Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Raine Hilton - Success and Abundance Healing Systems-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Success & Abundance Systems


With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage
    When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for a PayPal invoice


    Abundance Flush Empowerments Levels 1-6  £30 Founder: Stephanie Brail. This system is exceptionally simple but powerful. While there is no guarantee that it will bring you a windfall the energy can help a lot! The Abundance Flush 1 and 2 Empowerments work on two levels: One, to remove blocks to abundance, and two, to magnetize the individual to opportunity and prosperity. A continuation of the Abundance Flush Empowerments levels 3 and 4 work on the subtle bodies to lift the vibration and help support the soul's expression in the world, thus helping bring in new opportunities and prosperity. The focus of flushes 5 and 6 is to work on creating stability and space. These energies are designed to help overcome issues of "feast or famine" or "living check to check."  You will receive 6 chi ball empowerments, 3 pdf manuals


    Alchemy Reiki £10 System Originator - Violet Paille Alchemy is the study of scientific transformations. We can use this form of science for a spiritual transformation. For each of us has our ailments, negative emotions and past life trauma that has led us to blockages, illness and pessimism. The theory of alchemy is very simple. It is a theory since all parts make a whole, we can work to change that whole. It is not about releasing the negativity, but embracing our weaknesses and turning them into strengths. For what Alchemy Reiki does is the same as the ancient Alchemists do, they transform and transmute materials into gold. In this same way we will take our negative spiritual energy and turn it into gold. Alchemy Reiki teaches you how to turn negative energy into positive energy and therefore transforms the whole body for the highest good.


    Attraction Magnet  £10 Founder: Jay Burrell. The Attraction Magnet Empowerment system has been given to us by spirit in the hope that through working with these energies and changing the way you think and feel that it will bring to you whatever your heart desires. “The concept for the Law of Attraction is not new and it has been taught by masters, sages, and light workers for thousands of years but when the spiritual law of attraction is presented in modern terminology it teaches us that we have the power to attract whatever we want just through the way we think and feel. The first reaction to this concept is usually pure excitement at the thought that we can bring whatever we want to our lives just by imagining it and believing that it can happen but after this initial feeling of elation you will usuallyfind yourself thinking about the things which you might have done in the past which did not attract to you the things you want. You will also realize that you must now take all responsibility for having created situations that were unpleasant and difficult in your life. It is my hope that through this empowerment it will give you the courage and the strength to make the conscious decision to change the way you act, feel and think during your everyday life so you will also experience the many blessings that you can achieve through this simple yet highly effective energy.”


    Attraction Reiki Levels 1 2 3 £30 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Attraction Reiki is an easy-to-use system that is designed to help you create that “aura of success” that can draw opportunities and positive things to you.  This is a unique Reiki system in that Stephanie Brail has designed it in such a way that even those entirely new to Reiki can use it. In each level you will be given three healing symbols to activate the Reiki energy. The three symbols for each level will correspond to mind, body, and soul. Once you have been attuned to this system, you will be able to use the energy for yourself and others and you will also be able to pass these attunements on to others if you are a Reiki Master. You will receive:  3 e-mailed manuals (22 pages, 16 pages and 18 pages), 3 distance attunements. There are no prerequisites to learn the system, but you must be a Usui Reiki Master to pass on the attunements.

    • Level 1 – Belief

    We will look at what it means to believe and how our beliefs affect our reality.

    • Level 2 – Intention

    In this level we will become very clear on what our intention is. This is a vital step in the manifesting process.

    • Level 3 – Attraction

    In this final level, we will take what we’ve learned in the two previous levels and integrate it into our attraction strategy.


    Credit and Currency Empowerment  £20 Founder: Mariah WindsongYour attunement to the Credit and Currency Empowerment gives you the ability to activate the Disappointment Flush, Self Blame Flush and Self Trust Empowerment. These additional flushes and empowerments are included in the Credit and Currency Empowerment energy system because of the usual energy blocks that exist for anyone who has experience financial disappointment. Self Blame may feel useful to keep you from repeating a mistake when in actuality it limits what opportunities can enter your reality. Credit and Currency Empowerment removes emotional resistance from previous experiences while aligning you with your optimal financial flow. This energy system amplifies your ability to attract into your life the opportunities and assistance to have a fuller flow of good credit and monetary currency. To maximize a person’s ability to trade value for the daily life necessities, including housing and food, both credit and currency are beneficial. There have been negative opinions about credit due to the fact that people can get themselves into more debt than they can easily pay back. However, the word credit is also used as credits: having the monetary value available to use for items, travel, housing and food. In this electronic age of technology, there are many different ways that monetary value can be recorded, saved, and traded. There are businesses that trade items and receive only credits that can be used for items within the group of businesses that participate in the program


    Divine Provision Reiki £20 per level or £55 for all 3 levels Founder: Mariah Windsong.
    Divine Provision Reiki level 1 is a stream of Reiki energy providing you with two Shakti to focus on the many contributing factors involved with how you receive your provisions. Provisions, otherwise known as supplies or the monetary income pathways needed to buy them require strong energy connections to ensure a sustained flow to allow what you need to manifest physically. Sometimes there are repairs to be made. Other times old pathways are obsolete, yet a connection remains that needs to be dissolved away before your provisions increase substantially. Influx Upgrade Empowerment fortifies your monetary income pathways so that you can sustain an increased influx of money.

    Divine Provision Reiki™ level 2 assists you to create new income pathways in the ethereal realms. A Monetary Energy Burst sets the foundation here in physicality for your provisions to arrive in a very real way. There are numerous reasons which can cause difficulties in creating new paths for provisions, supplies, money to arrive into your life. By creating the energetic incoming pathways and fully integrating them with energy field you bridge the gap between wanting and receiving. You may also create new connections with people already in your life or styles of relationships you wish to experience in the near future.

    Divine Provision Reiki™ level 3 will provide the Financial Provision Divine Protection Field to protect both the income pathways you’ve created and repaired, as well as the provisions you already have in your life. A Continual Maintenance Ray tends these pathways to ensure they remain flexible and strong. An Increase Flow Dial gives you added freedom to increase or decrease speed of your work inflow


    Financial Fear Flush & Confidence Builder Attunements £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong

    Financial Fear Flush

    It is important to flush away the fears that cause money to drain away. When you fear that you don’t have enough money, even the money you have seems to disappear before it has done all that it needed to for you. Financial Fear Flush ™ is an energy function that specifically targets any fears you have about your financial well being and having all you need. Financial Fear Flush™ is great to activate with intention whenever you notice a worry, concern or fear about money pass through your mind. Once your fears about money and your financial situation have been flushed away your confidence about your financial matters will build and be secure. Financial Fear Flush™ is an easy way to release fears which have no use. Sometimes a fear has served its purpose and yet lingers, that kind of fear will indeed flush away with the use of this energy system. Fears about lack of money or unwise use of money residing in your subconscious mind can also be flushed away with this energy function. You can hold the thought of wanting this Financial Fear Flush to activate for your subconscious mind.

    Financial Confidence Builder Attunement

    Financial Confidence Builder™ is an energy function that secures your way of thinking to foster confidence for your financial well beingYou may find many benefits to activating this Financial Fear Flush  if used regularly:

    • Less anxiety

    • Less preoccupation with negative scenarios mentally

    • Less depression

    • Ending of self sabotage behaviour in your money use

    • Noticing miracles that can benefit your financial situation

    • Increased positive outlook for your financial future

    • Peace Within settles inside of you

    • You breathe deeper on a regular basis

    • You start to mentally plan for the future once again

    • More opportunities come your way

    • No longer do you self fulfil negative prophesies about your money

    • You display increased wisdom in your money management


    Goddess Fortuna Empowerment £15 Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture. The Goddess Fortuna bestows fertility upon lands, seeds, humans and your endeavours, she will teach how to use her energy of fertility in life. The Goddess Fortuna can be called upon to bring Feminine Divine Fortune to positively influence your health and monetary condition. Through Empowerment to the Goddess Fortuna TM energy system you will be filled deeply with her Divine Feminine Energies which will cause your cells to vibrate in alignment with fortune so that you will attract all you want and need in life! Her powerful energy strengthens you and brings benefit to arrive from any situation. Goddess Fortuna has been known throughout history, having been worshiped by the Romans and many other cultures on our planet Earth.


    Intention Increase™  £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Intention Increase™ is an energy system that has been brought forth to vastly increase the power of your intentions. That which you set forth as what you intend to happen is to increase with the regular activation of this energy system. This attunement trains you to “Increase” whatever you want Intention is the act of aligning yourself with a purpose within a certain topic. Spiritually speaking intention is the mental positioning you hold and extend forth with the power of your own will, to instruct Eternal Sacred Source about what you desire to bring into your life. That is the outgoing energy. The response from Source is the incoming energy that fulfils our intentions. Increase is simply the verb, the action you are directing to occur. Intention is the single most powerful tool you have as a believer in Eternal Sacred Source responding to your requests. Some people speak about how the universe will respond when you align yourself energetically with what you want. Positive thinking can be beneficial.


    Lakshmi Seichim £20 Founder: Stephen Comee. Goddess Lakshmi for spiritual and material wealth, unity and harmony. Seichim is closely related to the ancient Egyptian word sekhem which means life-force or energy.  Seichim is not a religion but is a unity concept whichis described in detail within the manual. Lakshmi is derived from Sanskrit word laksya meaning aim or goal. Lakshmi is a Hindu Goddess and a deity of wealth both material and spiritual.  She is also a goddess of light, wisdom, good fortune and bestows luck, beauty, courage and fertility to her devotees. She is a Mother Goddess and a Domestic Deity. Lakshmi is consort to Lord Vishnu (Preserver of the Universe and Lakshmi has 8 forms which you will learn about in the manual as well as her mantra and yantra. You will receive a 33 page pdf manual and 1 distant attunement. Symbols 5: SHRIM - HRIM - KLIM - GAM - AIM


    Life Path Reiki Level 1 & 2 £25 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Life Path Reiki  is a simple 2 level Reiki system designed to assist practitioners and clients in following their true life path. Life Path Reiki works to clear and neutralise blocks and resistance to a true life path. It helps to light the way and provide guidance on the spiritual life journey. It assists in making decisions, finding helpers along the way and deciding on proper courses of action. Your Life path is the purpose for which you incarnated on this planet. Each person has a different life path and no life path is better than another’s Spiritual alignment means that who you are out in the world is a reflection of your true self, your soul. Life Path Reiki also connects you to your Higher Self so that you can experience accelerated Spiritual Growth, Ascension and become your Highest Expression as a Soul.

    Money Reiki Attunement – Levels 1-3  £30 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Money Reiki is a fantastic way to attract abundance into your life as well as that of others. Money Reiki comes in three different levels:
    Level 1: Practitioner - Level 2: Master - Level 3: Grand Master
    The First Level, Practitioner, enables you to send Money Reiki Healing, also known as Money Reiki Empowerment, to yourself, your things, your bank account, credit cards, your investments and to other people as you desire.
    The Second Level, Master, attunes you to additional symbols and enables you to send Money Reiki Healing and Money Reiki Empowerment to yourself, your things, your bank account, credit cards, investments and to other people as you desire. The Master Level Attunement also enables you to pass the Attunement to others for Level I Practitioner and Level II Master Money Reiki.
    The Third Level, Grand Master, attunes you to further additional symbols, builds upon everything in the Master Level and enables you to do advanced clearing, healings and attunements. You can pass the Attunement for all three levels of Money Reiki after being attuned to Grand Master, Money Reiki.


    Yellow Tara Attunement  £15 Founder: Tracy Loper. Goddess Yellow Tara has the ability to assist us by increasing all types of abilities, enriching us with wealth and prosperity, increasing abundance, eloquence, merit, knowledge, intellect and so on. The Goddess has the ability to help us to relax ad to trust in the infinite abundance available on all dimensions –physical and spiritual worlds. It is said that she is a destroyer of poverty – put also of ignorance. In her great wisdom she offers devotees a choice which is to stay on the physical plane of material wealth and worldly splendour or to detach and experience the infinite wealth of enlightenment in other realms. No matter what choice the devotee makes it has merit. Therefore Goddess Yellow Tara grants physical wealth and abundance, but also spiritual wealth and abundance.
