Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Raine Hilton- About Me-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

About Me: Raine Hilton

Hello, my name is Raine Hilton and with my husband Philip, we form the Good Vibes Holistic Therapies (GVHT) team. We  launched GVHT in 2006, but our spiritual knowledge, training and experiences go much further back than that. 

I am a Spiritual Well Being Consultant specialising in Holistic Life Coaching as well as many different healing and therapy modalities of Complementary Health Care. I firmly believe that we never stop learning and growing, so i am always eager to expand my therapy toolbox.

It is always good to know that you are in safe and knowledgeable hands and so below is a list of my qualifications, associations and relevant experience as well as a little bit about me and how I work. 

Qualifications & Professional Associations
I hold the following qualifications in:
Angel Therapy and Spiritual Awareness
Bach Flower Essences (Energy Healing with Flower Remedies)
Clinical Aromatherapy

Colour Therapy
Complementary Healthcare
Cupping Therapy Massage
Crystal Healing Practitioner

Gua Sha (Chinese Massage)
Hypnotherapy: Past Life Regression Therapy & Future Life Progression Therapy

Indian Head Massage
Life Skills Coaching
Thai Hand Reflexology Massage

Proffessional Associations
Associate Member of the Institute of Psychotherapeutic Practitioners (MIPP)
Member of Complementary Therapy Association (CTA)
Member of the Stonebridge Associated Colleges. (MSAC)

Life skills and other information
I have sensed Spirit around me from a very young age, quickly becoming aware of my main spirit guide. We have enjoyed a close working relationship ever since, learning various healing and spiritual development skills from him. I have developed this awareness over the years and can now see, hear, sense, smell, and feel Spirit, Angels, and Faeries. I have shared some of my journey in my Celestial Light Codes Clairsenses Course

This enables me to work intuitively with my clients and students to provide the best service and health care. I believe that this isn't a special talent or ability, but something we all are capable of developing over time with an open, loving, compassionate heart and the right guidance. I love to be able to guide others a little way along their journey, whether this is through healing or by teaching spiritual development I see this as a two-way partnership. I believe we learn something from each person we meet, every encounter is an opportunity for growth and wisdom for both parties. I have owned and managed many online forums, websites, and communities and have been a spiritual development teacher for many years. 

I have studied many different religions, faiths, and belief systems, including Kabbalah which has been so life-changing for me.  I am a Faery High Priestess. I was initiated by Queen Maeve during a series of deep trance meditation sessions after many years of working energetically within the Fey Realms. I am an Angel Therapist and have learned so much from their guidance over the years. I am a Crystal Skull Guardian of 13 wonderful skulls. I am also a Blogger on WordPress 

Healing & Distance Attunements
Healing for me is as natural as breathing, it is a part of my life and of who I am. From an early age if I saw others in pain or distress I would lay my hands on them to ease their suffering. This was always very much an instinctive thing, not calculated, or reasoned, just born of the moment and the need.

As an adult, I decided to train professionally and add discipline and structure to my healing practice, so that I could offer far more than just instinctive assistance. After all the years of study healing is still very much my passion, I enjoy the freedom of informed and experienced choices, to guarantee the very best in care and attention. 

I am committed to ongoing study to bring you the very best in up-to-date complementary healthcare. I firmly believe that you never stop learning, healing techniques are constantly evolving and so must we as healers.

Therapy and healing to me are not something you can just learn overnight and then put into rote practice. Each person is unique and I like to approach my healing sessions from this viewpoint, weaving together the perfect blend of energies and techniques. I combine various therapy modalities to form a synergistic blend, tailored to suit my individual clients. I see working with my clients as a sacred spiritual partnership, involving them each step of the way to discover the right approach they need in order to reach that happy healthy place where we all want to be. My work is naturally intuitive, I am a born medium and I allow myself to be guided as to how I can best help others.

I am attuned to every beautiful energy system listed on this website and have worked with them all at relevant times in my life. I blend these to create a tailor-made healing experience that is perfect just for you. I am a Reiki Master and Teacher in many healing systems from the traditional Usui Reiki-based energies to the high vibrational latest GVHT Systems. 
Philip, my husband and spiritual partner, is also a channeller, and together we offer a range of unique high vibrational channelled attunements to enhance your health and wellbeing, and to help guide you along your soul path. We have been gifted with bringing through a great many unique messages, many of which now appear within the pages of these manuals. It is an honour to be called on for such a service and we are forever grateful for this privilege.  These can be viewed HERE

Celtic Shaman

Celtic Shamanism draws its energetic force from the roots of Celtic spirituality. A shaman is at one with the land and it is easier to forge a connection with the land you were born from. It is harder to connect with a distant land, possible, but much harder. It can be difficult to connect to animals and plants for example which are not familiar to your own natural environment.

Even though energetically we are all connected and there are no such things as time or distance in a universal sense, unless you are exceptional at visualisation it can be challenging when you don’t have that physical connection, that special magnetic bond with your own land. The way of the Shaman is a natural form of living and working in a very connected way to all living things. The word Shaman comes from the Tungus people of Siberia and means one who knows.

The Shaman is one who seeks to connect to all things, often called the walker between worlds; someone who seeks harmony in both the physical and the spiritual. In this system, which is a very loose free-form set of beliefs and practices, which vary from person to person, it is viewed that all things are alive and connected. Everything around us;  animals, trees, plants, rocks, stones, fish, insects, people, and the very land itself each being in possession of a soul or spirit and none is more important than the other and all having their place within the overall harmony of the web of life. Those who practice Shamanic techniques in one form or another are to be found the world over.  Most countries have their own form of Shamanic belief. Many Shamans travel and because of this learn from others on their journeys and so the path of the Shaman is by nature is essentially an eclectic one. Shamanism is a healing path and one of service to all.

Angel Therapist

I am an Angel Therapist and have worked within the Angelic Realms for many years.

I offer attunements to Angelic Healing systems which can be found 
HERE as well as using them in my healing sessions.

I also read Angel cards using them in combination with healing sessions to create a well-rounded assessment of my client's health, and well-being which can be found 

Faery High Priestess

I am also a 3rd Degree Faery High Priestess, I was initiated during a deep trance meditation by Queen Maeve after many years of working with the Fey Realms.

I also offer many Faery Healing Attunements  I have channeled myself. This can be found

As with Angel Therapy, I use Oracle cards combined with Faery Healing to create unique tailor-made sessions for my clients, these can be found HERE


In 2008, while writing an article, I was amazed to realize that I had begun channeling through the process of automatic writing.

Over time, this ability has grown stronger, allowing me to channel not only numerous communications but also hundreds of healing modalities and attunements during deep trance meditation.

Although I had been told as early as 2003 that I would eventually channel, it still came as a delightful surprise when it actually happened.

Some of the beings who have spoken through my writing include Jesus, Mary of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin, Buddha, the Archangels, Faery Kings and Queens, Morrigan, Morgana, and Epona, among others.


I joined the Internet in 2001 and within a year had a thriving online spiritual community "After Dark" with over five hundred members. In addition to my own group, I also taught spiritual development on a number of other websites. I first met Phil on a group called Spirit Walkers, but it was on his own website Lux Deus where we came into full contact and got to know each other, and within a short while I was invited to join the Lux Deus management team and in return, he also joined my team. 

As time passed we grew closer and through channelled communications discovered that we were Twinflames. The effect on us was profound, exhilarating, terrifying, and also a huge amount of guilt and pain as we were both involved with other partners. We talked for hours online and couldn't bear to be apart from each other. When we were apart I would astral travel to him in my sleep and appear before him. I could sense him standing so close to me sometimes, it would stop me in my tracks. If he was eating or drinking something I could taste it too. We could heal each other by sending energy, this was before I discovered Reiki. If I was awake first in the morning I could shout to him telepathically and he would wake up and come online.

After a few weeks of this, we knew we had to meet, the pain of being apart was too great. After much discussion, we arranged to meet, with the full blessings of our then partners. Our first meeting was electrifying, we were so alike in our ways it was astounding and a little disturbing at first. We spent a few days together and it became clear we could never bear to be apart permanently again. After he returned home the pain was indescribable, I felt like my heart had been ripped out, and I couldn't eat or sleep. We had several more meetings before we decided that the children and myself would move to be with Phil. From that day on we have never looked back, every day is such a joy to wake up next to my true love and to fall asleep by his side every night. Every moment we share is so very precious because of how long we have been apart. Our love grows deeper every day.


Many Walk-Ins occur following a serious illness or life-threatening accident. Some even die and are ‘brought back’. As the new soul awakens the time preceding the event is often remembered as fragmented or like watching a movie rather than reliving the actual event. The person feels dissociated from events and people, even those close to them.

Those around them feel that the event has changed them, that they seem ‘like a different person’ and are unable to reach out to them as they used to. Relationships can feel awkward. There are residual emotions connecting the Walk-In to the previous occupant but these aren’t always strong or last for long in many cases, especially in adult Walk-Ins.

For the Walk-In, even though they are well versed in the life history of the soul they have traded with, relationships with friends, family members, and even partners need to be rebuilt. 

In order for a Walk-in chain of events to come about it is required that both parties are in full understanding, harmony, and agreement. There are variations in how this may come to pass and I shall outline two here for clarification: The first is by far the most common. This happens by prearrangement before the soul incarnates upon the earth plane, this is sometimes known as the contract and as such constitutes a set of or series of preordained events that will give the soul experiences within a given time span before the exchange takes place. The second and more unusual happens when a soul on the earth plane cries out in torment and anguish and is intercepted within a dreamscape. That which is known as the soul earth guide and those of the Angelic orders arrange a meeting. This takes place upon the astral planes and to the individual in question, the meeting is not remembered as it merely forms a normal episode of Dreamtime.  

Some souls Walk-In with full memory of what has happened, while for others the sensory overload is too much to handle and the mind blocks the event out, often not surfacing again for many years. This can be triggered by their Spiritual Guide or Angels, or other life events when the time is right for them to follow their life path - their reason for incarnating in this special way. This happened to both Phil and me as young children. Our full Walk-In story is shared in our channelled distance attunement:
Walk-In Transitional Alignment Attunement.

