Good Vibes Holistic Therapies
Good Vibes Attunement Systems

We have been gifted with bringing through a great many unique channelled messages, many of which now appear within the pages of these manuals.
It is an honour to be called on for such a service and we are forever grateful for this privilege. I feel there are so many systems out there, but very little information on how to really get the most out of them.
Real-world applications
Here at GVHT, we like to offer a combination of energy work with physical world applications as this enables you to create a strong energetic bridge from our realm to the higher ones.
This also allows you to work by distance or in person. As Spiritual Well-being Consultants qualified in many aspects of life coaching and holistic health we can offer practical advice and techniques to work alongside your energy work.
In-depth work and full explanations
Many teachers simply send out a manual and an email saying their student's energy is ready for them to call in, with no explanation or follow up. At GVHT all of our attunement sessions whether by chi ball or by appointment come with full feedback explaining our experiences during the session.
If by chi ball this can be read before you begin to use it as a guided meditation, or you can read it afterwards to gain deeper insights and compare with your own experience.
Therapy sessions centred around GVHT energies
We also offer our more in-depth healing attunement systems as healing therapy sessions, because we are not just churning out endless systems for the energy attunement market. Instead, we are sharing our own techniques that we have formed and worked with for many years, systems we have experienced powerful results with.
Energies that change with the universe
Over time you may have noticed that some systems you have been attuned to tend to be stuck energetically in the time frame and vibrational frequency of the time when they were created.
They are great when you are first attuned to them, but over time they seem to be less effective because the energy around us is constantly becoming more refined and higher vibrational.
With ours, our Guides program them to constantly renew, accommodate and integrate the higher energies as they come through from energy shifts and solar, lunar and planetary phases. So, you will always receive the right dose of energy that you need at that present time.
With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:
- One in-depth guide to the system
- One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
- You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
- One emailed certificate
- Your lineage
353 GVHT attunements are listed below with links to their related categories and full descriptions.
All attunements marked NEW have been added over the last twelve months. When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments

- Angel Alchemy (by Raine) £7.99
- Blue Bird Happiness Blessing (by Raine) £7.99
- Copper Essence Pain Flush (By Raine) £7.99
- Coyote Spirit Empowerment (by Phil) £7.99
- NEW Creativity Care Empowerment (by Phil) £7.99
- Eagle Intuitive Guidance Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- Earth Light Reiki (by Raine) £7.99
- NEW Embracing the Power of Winter Ice and Snow (by Phil) £7.99
- Eyebright Clarity Essence (by Raine) £7.99
- Frankincense Aura Cleanse & Protection Energy (by Raine) £7.99
- Inner Warrior Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- Hatshepsut’s Gateway To The Kingdom (by Phil) £7.99
- Iolite Intuition Enhancer (by Raine) £7.99
- Larimar Gateway to Atlantis (by Raine) £7.99
- Lavender Fluorite Infusion (by Raine) £7.99
- Magnetic Abundance Ray (by Raine) £7.99
- Mirror Shield Protection Attunement (by Phil) £7.99
- NEWMyrrh Energy Attunement: Awaken the Sacred Power Within (by Raine)£7.99
- Nefertari’s Gateway To The House Of Eternity (by Phil) £7.99
- Nefertiti Alignment (by Phil) £7.99
- Orchid Essence Blessings (by Raine) £7.99
- NEW Peaceful Mind Attunement - Special Offer (by Raine) £7.99
- NEW Pink Dolphin Love & Joy Empowerment £7.99
- Pixie Whimsy Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- Security and Comfort Energy Shield (by Raine) £7.99
- Wolf Spirit Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- NEW Zesty Lemon Quartz Refresh Attunement£7.99
Please clickHERE

- Ancient Wisdom Of The Dragons Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Angel Alchemy (by Raine)£7.99
- Business Protection & Prosperity Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- Career Enhancement Crystalline Infusion (by Raine) £25
- Fresh Start Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- Freyja's Initiation to Step Into Your Inner Power (by Raine)£10
- Gaia Grounding Energy (by Raine) £15
- Golden Phoenix Journey of Transformation (by Raine) £25
- Inner Warrior Empowerment (by Raine)£7.99
- Jade Dragon Prosperity Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Magnetic Abundance Ray (by Raine) £7.99
- Orange Calcite Radiance Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Pegasus Sacred Spring of Inspiration Attunement (by Raine)£25
- Peruvian Opal Crystalline Infusion For Self-Awareness (by Raine)£15
- Success Mastery Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Synchronistic Consciousness Flow - Hilarion (by Raine) £25
- Transmuting Self-Sabotaging Behaviour - St Germain (by Raine)£25
- The Power of Certainty Attunement – Moses (by Raine) £25
- Zincite Crystalline Procrastination Flush (by Raine) £15

Angel Alchemy (by Raine) £7.99 Angel Guide Blessing (by Raine) £25- Angel Feather Messenger Energy (by Raine) £20
- Angelic Family Dynamic Oversoul Healing System (by Raine) £25
- Angelic Crystal Light Code Activation (by Raine) £25
- Angelic Dream Codes Activation (by Raine)£20
- Angelic Life Path Healing For Children
( by Raine) £25 - Angelic Life Path Healing For Adults
( by Raine) £25 - Angelic Mandala Orb Programming Attunement (by Raine) £25
Angelite Purification Sigil Connection Attunement (by Raine) £20- Archangel Light Warrior Codes Attunement (by Phil) £25
- Archangel Michael Kyanite Protection Ray (by Raine) £15
- Daily Guidance Archangelic Alignment (by Raine) £25
- Vet Pet Care Angelic Calming Bubble (by Raine) £20
Angels of Kabbalah Series
- Angels of Kabbalah: Body of Light Healing (by Raine) £20
- Angels of Kabbalah: Building Bridges (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah Channeling Wisdom (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Creating Order From Chaos (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Deep Cellular Healing (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Defusing Negative Energy & Stress (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Eliminating Negative Thoughts (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Etheric Red String Protection (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Inner Light Revealed (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Letting Go (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Miraculous Blessings ( by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Release Fear (by Raine) £15
- Angels of Kabbalah: Releasing Victim Mentality (by Raine) £15
Archangels Awareness Series
- Archangel Ariel Gaia Healing (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Azrael Life Transition & Soul Crossing (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Barachiel Miraculous Occurrences (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Chamuel Self Love Healing (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Gabriel Enhanced Communication (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Haniel Intuitive Gifts (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Jeremiel Divine Visions (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Jophiel Wisdom & Transformation (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Metatron: Path Changer (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Michael: Life Rebalancing (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Raguel: Harmony Resonance (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Raphael Heart-Centred Healing (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Raziel: Divine Keeper of Mysteries (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Uriel: Divine Illumination (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Sandalphon: Divine Nurturer (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Seraphiel Purification Flame (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Zadkiel Sexual Life Path Healing (by Raine) £15
Ascended Master Series

- The Trinity of Forgiveness - Jesus (by Raine) £25
- Enlightenment Consciousness - Maitreya (by Raine) £25
- Synchronistic Consciousness Flow - Hilarion (by Raine) £25
- Etheric Retreat & Sacred Flame Attunement - Zarathustra (by Raine) £25
- NEW Holy Family Sacred Healing & Transformation System Levels 1-4 (by Raine) £65
- Inner Child Healing & Integration Attunement - Mother Mary (by Raine) £25
- Child Lightworker Care (by Raine) £25
- Kuan Yin Pearlescent Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Transmuting Self-Sabotaging Behaviour Attunement - St Germain (by Raine) £25
- The Desert Rose Initiation Of Mary Magdalene (by Raine) £15
- Seeking Perfection- Kuan Yin & Buddha (by Raine) £25
- Setting Healthy Boundaries Attunement - El Morya (by Raine) £25
- Sunstone Moonstone Connection Empowerment to Buddha & Quan Yin (by Raine) £25
- Francis and Clare Initiation Into Divine Love (by Phil) £15
- The Power of Certainty – Moses (by Raine) £25
- The Three Jewels of the Tree of Oneness (by Phil) £25
- White Ray of Purity Attunement – Serapis Bey (by Raine) £25

- Anam Cara Activation (by Phil) £15
- Cauldron Alchemy Energy (by Phil) £25
- Celtic Tree Triad Attunement (by Phil) £25
- Elen Of The Ways Initiation & Healing System (by Raine & Phil) £35
- Herne The Hunter Initiation (by Phil) £25
- Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Connection Empowerment (by Raine & Phil) £10
- Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Wand Healing System (by Raine & Phil) £20
- Goddess Brigid’s Snowdrop Bringer of Hope Empowerment (by Raine) £25
- Goddess Epona Wild Spirit of Freedom Awakening (by Raine) £25
- Magical Hare Intuition Energy (by Raine) £20
- Magickal Yule Essence Energy (by Raine) £25
- Morgan Le Fey Charm Casting Empowerment (by Raine) £20
- Nwyfre Celtic Shamanic Healing (by Phil) £25
- Phantom Queen Goddess Morrigan Alignment (by Phil) £35
- Sea Goddess Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation (by Raine & Phil) £20
- The Heart of Glastonbury (by Phil) £25
- Wildwood Shamanic Healing (by Phil) £25
Please click HERE

- Angelic Life Path Healing For Children
( by Raine) £25 - Back to School Crystal Support (by Raine) £20
- Child Lightworker Care (by Raine) £25
- Faery Guide Blessing (by Raine) £25
- Faery Birthday Blessing (by Raine) £25
- Security and Comfort Energy Shield (by Raine) £7.99
- Teenager Crystal Support Energy (by Raine) £20
Please click HERE

- Ascension Alignment & Harmonisation(by Raine) £25
- NEW Birth land Reconnection Portal (by Raine) £15
- Child Lightworker Care (by Raine) £25
- NEW Celestial Halls of Learning Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Celestial Healing Chamber (by Raine) £25
- NEWCreativity Care Empowerment £7.99
Crystal Energies of Atlantis Healing System Level 1-3 & Master (by Raine & Phil) £50 - Earth Light Reiki (by Raine) £7.99
- Gaia Light Matrix Healing Levels 1-3 (by Raine) £50
- Gaia Light Matrix Healing Levels 4 (by Raine) £20
- Gaia Light Matrix Healing Levels 5 (by Raine) £20
- Galaxite Starseed Light Codes (by Raine) £15
- Goddess Guardians of the Moon (by Phil) £25
- NEW Heart & Soul Nebula Starseed Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Limina Lucis-Key 1: Doorway of the Past. Past Life Healing Attunement (by Raine) £35
- Limina Lucis-Key 2: Doorway of the Present. Present Lifetime Healing Attunement (by Raine) £35
- Limina Lucis-Key 3: Doorway of the Future. Future Lifetime Healing Attunement (by Raine) £35
- Limina Lucis-Key 4: Doorway of the In-between. Inbetween Lifetime Integration Attunement (by Raine) £35
- Mercury Retrograde Alignement (by Raine) £25
- Platonic Solids Geometric Starseed Alignment (by Raine) £25
- Soul Star Crystalline Infusion (by Raine) £15
- Soulmate Reconnection Energy (by Raine) £25
- Star-light-Codes Initiations(by Raine) £15
- NEW Starseed Soul Fusion Activation (by Raine) £45
- NEWThe 4 Celestial Animals Empowerment (by Phil) £25
Twinflame Alignment & Harmonisation (by Raine & Phil) £25- Walk-In Transitional Alignment Attunement (by Raine & Phil) £25
Please Click HERE

Angelite Purification Sigil Connection Attunement (by Raine) £20- Aqua Aura Flush (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Michael Kyanite Protection Ray (by Raine) £15
- Atlantean Orichalcum Power Amplifier Attunement (by Raine) £15
- Attachment Release Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £20
- Bubbling Springs Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- Back to School Crystal Support (by Raine) £20
- NEW Bronzite Resilence Reiki Infusion (by Raine) £20
- Career Enhancement Crystalline Infusion (by Raine) £25
- NEW Chintamani Alchemy Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Community Harmony Crystal Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Copper Essence Pain Flush (By Raine) £7.99
- Crystal Energies of Atlantis Healing System Level 1-3 & Master (by Raine & Phil) £50
- Diamond Infusion Chakra Flush (by Raine) £25
- Dream Quartz Psychic Supercharge Energy (by Raine) £15
- Egyptian Crystalline Light Codes Activation (by Phil) £25
- Emerald Palace Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Emotional Body Rainbow Flame Aura Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £20
- Faery Crystal Elixir Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Fresh Start Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- Gaia Elements Crystal Resonance (by Raine) £35
- Galaxite Starseed Light Codes (by Raine) £15
- NEW Golden Healer Crystalline Infusion (by Raine) £15
- Hands of Light Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Hawk’s Eye Psychic Activation (by Raine) £15
- Iolite Intuition Enhancer (by Raine) £7.99
- Knee Chakras Calligraphy Stone Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Larimar Gateway to Atlantis (by Raine) £7.99
- Lavender Fluorite Infusion (by Raine) £7.99
- Mental Body Sunshine Aura Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £20
- Meridians Of Light Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Orange Calcite Radiance Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Physical Body Rock Quartz Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £20
- Peruvian Opal Crystalline Infusion For Self-Awareness (by Raine) £15
- Rainbow Obsidian Crystal Light Infusion (by Raine) £15
- Rhodochrosite Parental Programming Flush (by Raine) £20
- Sea of Tranquillity Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- Selenite Crystalline Communication Bridge (by Raine) £15
- Silver Cord Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- Snow Quartz Deva Purity Essence (by Raine) £20
- Snowflake Obsidian Mind, Body & Spirit Harmonisation (by Raine) £15
- NEW Sorcerer’s Stone Cosmic Journey (by Raine) £15
- Soul Star Crystalline Infusion (by Raine) £15
- Stellar Beam Calcite Gateway Crystalline Infusion (by Raine) £15
- Sunstone Moonstone Connection Empowerment to Buddha & Quan Yin (by Raine) £25
- Taaffeite Crystalline Glamour (by Raine) £15
- Teenager Crystal Support Energy (by Raine) £20
- Violet Rhodolite Ear Chakra Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Zincite Crystalline Procrastination Flush (By Raine) £15
- Well of Dream Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- NEW Zesty Lemon Quartz Refresh Attunement£7.99
Please Click HERE

- NEW 7 Sacred Temples of Egypt Alignment (by Phil)£35
- Anubis Alignment (by Phil) £25
- Egyptian Crystalline Light Codes Activation (by Phil) £25
- Hatshepsut’s Gateway To The Kingdom (by Phil) £7.99
- Hem
Ikh Egyptian Healing System (by Phil) £25 - Imhotep Attunement (by Phil) £10
- NEW Ma'at Alignement (by Phil) £25
- Nefertari’s Gateway To The House Of Eternity (by Phil) £7.99
- Nephthys and Isis Polarity Alignment (by Phil) £25
Neteru Duality Egyptian Healing System (by Phil) £25- Osiris Alignment by (Phil) £25
- Pyramid Light Codes Activation (by Phil) £25
- Ra Solar Triad Alignment (by Phil) £25
- Scarab Activation (by Phil) £10
- Sekhmet Alignment (by Phil) £25
- Sphinx Light Codes Activation (by Phil) £25
- NEWThe Egyptian Blue Lotus Cosmic Dream Activation (by Phil) £15
- The Four Adorations Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- The Rays of Aten (by Phil) £20
- Thoth Alignment (by Phil) £25
Please Click HERE

- 9 Sacred Faery Woods Initiation (by Raine) £25
- Bamboo Healing Balm Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Black Cohosh Protection & Negativity Flush (by Raine) £10
- Chakra Rose Light Initiation (by Raine) £25
- Chamomile Deep Relaxation Essence (by Raine) £15
- Cherry Blossom Oneness Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Daffodil Spring Essence Cleanse (by Raine) £15
- Evergreen Renewal Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- Eyebright Clarity Essence (by Raine) £7.99
- Faery Herbal Elixir Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Flower Faery Deva Initiation (by Raine) £25
- Flower Goddess Konohanasakuya-hime Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Flower Lights Codes System - Crab Apple Deep Cleanse (by Raine) £15
- Flower Lights Codes System -Temple Tree Flower (by Raine) £15
- Flower Lights Codes System - Twelve Healers & Birth Flower Light Code (by Raine) £20
- Forget-Me-Not Blessings (by Raine) £15
- Goddess Brigid’s Snowdrop Bringer of Hope Empowerment (by Raine) £25
- Frankincense Aura Cleanse & Protection Energy (by Raine) £7.99
- Marimo Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Mighty Oak Inner Power Energy (by Raine) £15
- NEWMyrrh Energy Attunement: Awaken the Sacred Power Within (by Raine)£7.99
- Norse Gods and Goddesses Visionary Flower Light Codes (by Raine) £15
- Orchid Essence Blessings (by Raine) £7.99
- Plant Deva Energy Boost (by Raine) £25
- Rainbow Lotus Deva Chakra Energy (by Raine) £15
- Snowberry Deva Ancestral Healing (by Raine) £15
- Sunflower Solar Plexus Revitalisation (by Raine) £15
- Sweetgrass Protection & Positivity Energy (by Raine) £10
- White Sage Sacred Space Protection (by Raine) £10
- Willow Goddess Higo Reiki Blessings (by Raine) £20
Please Click HERE

- Bee Goddess Hyblaea Ancestral Journey (by Raine) £45
- Blue Moon Sacred Feminine Energy (by Raine) £25
- Butterfly Goddess Psyche Blessing (by Raine) £35
- Cauldron Alchemy Energy (by Phil) £25
- Eir: Norse Goddess of Healing Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Elen Of The Ways
- Flower Goddess Konohanasakuya-hime Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Freyjas Initiation to Step Into Your Inner Power (by Raine & Phil) £20
- NEW Gifts of Abundance and Prosperity of Sif Empowerment (by Phil) £20
- Goddess Artemis Divine Cycles (by Raine) £25
- Goddess Brigid’s Snowdrop Bringer of Hope Empowerment (by Raine) £25
- Goddess Epona Wild Spirit of Freedom Awakening (by Raine) £25
- Goddess Guardians of the Moon (by Phil) £25
- Hecate Alignment (by Phil) £25
- Hesperides Golden Apple Goddess Blessings (by Raine) £25
- NEW Inner Goddess Empowerment (by Raine) £25
- Kuan Yin Pearlescent Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Mary Magdalene (The Desert Rose Initiation Of) (by Raine) £15
- Moonbow Psychic Blessings (by Raine) £35
- Mother Mary (Inner Child Healing & Integration Attunement) (by Raine) £25
- Nephthys and Isis Polarity Alignment (by Phil) £25
- NEW Oshun Alignment (by Phil) £25
- Phantom Queen Goddess Morrigan Alignment (by Phil) £35
- Sea Goddess
Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation (by Raine & Phil) £20 - Sekhmet Alignment (by Phil) £25
- White Buffalo Calf Woman (Sacred Pipe Empowerment) (by Phil) £25
- Willow Goddess Higo Reiki Blessings (by Raine) £20
Please ClickHERE

- Anxiety Care (by Raine) £25
- Back to School Crystal Support (by Raine) £20
- Bereavement Care (by Raine) £25
- Copper Essence Pain Flush (By Raine) £7.99
- NEW Creativity Care Empowerment (by Phil) £7.99
- Dental Care (by Raine) £25
- Depression Care (by Raine) £25
- Empath Care (by Raine) £25
- Eyebright Clarity Essence (by Raine) £7.99
- Hygge Care (by Raine) £25
- Heart & Mind Harmonisation (by Raine) £15
- Higher Consciousness Food Blessing & Care Empowerment (by Raine) £15
- Imposter Syndrome Care Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Inner Warrior Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- Magnetic Abundance Ray (by Raine) £7.99
- Pain Care (by Raine) £25
- NEW Peaceful Mind Attunement - Special Offer (by Raine) £7.99
- Ray of Light Empowerment (by Raine) £10
- Relationship Care (by Raine) £25
- Security and Comfort Energy Shield (by Raine) £7.99
- Sleep Care (by Raine) £25
Please Click HERE

- Alfar Light Elves Empowerment (by Raine) £20
- Birth land Reconnection Portal (by Raine) £15
- Eir: Norse Goddess of Healing Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Freyjas Initiation to Step Into Your Inner Power (by Raine & Phil) £20
- Freyr Initiation: Inner Peace & Prosperity (by Raine & Phil) £20
- NEW Gifts of Abundance and Prosperity of Sif Empowerment (by Phil) £20
- Heimdall’s Trilogy Empowerment (by Phil) £20
- Norse Gods and Goddesses Visionary Flower Light Codes (by Raine) £15
- Odin's Wisdom Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- Raven
Runelore Shamanic Healing - Nordic Shamanism (by Phil) £25 - Shieldmaiden Wisdom & Protection Empowerment (by Raine) £25
- Strength & Protection of Thor Empowerment (by Phil) £20
- Valkyrie Psychopomp Attunement (by Raine & Phil) £35
- NEW Völva Viking Witch Initiation Attunement (by Raine) £35
- Yggdrasil Alignment (by Phil) £15
Please Click HERE

- Angel Guide Blessing Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Angelic Crystal Light Code Activation (by Raine) £25
- Angelic Dream Codes Activation (by Raine) £20
- Angelite Purification Sigil Connection Attunement (by Raine) £20
- Archangel Gabriel Enhanced Communication (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Haniel Intuitive Gifts (by Raine) £15
- Archangel Raziel: Divine Keeper of Mysteries (by Raine) £15
- Ascension Alignment & Harmonisation(by Raine) £25
- Atlantean Orichalcum Power Amplifier Attunement (by Raine) £15
- NEW Birds of Prey Shamanic Healing System (by Raine) £25
- NEW Celestial Halls of Learning Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Celestial Healing Chamber (by Raine) £25
- Cherry Blossom Oneness Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Child Lightworker Care (by Raine) £25
- NEW Chintamani Alchemy Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Crystal Energies of Atlantis Healing System Level 1-3 & Master (by Raine & Phil) £50
- Daily Guidance Archangelic Alignment (by Raine) £25
- Divine Radiance Reiki (by Raine) £10
- Dream Quartz Psychic Supercharge Energy (by Raine) £15
- Eagle Intuitive Guidance Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- Earth Light Reiki (by Raine) £7.99
- Elven Star Connection Empowerment (by Raine) £10
- Empath Care (by Raine) £25
- Enlightenment Consciousness - Maitreya (by Raine) £25
- Faery Guide Blessing (by Raine) £25
- Hands of Light Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Hawk’s Eye Psychic Activation (by Raine) £15
- Higher Self Awakening (by Raine) £20
- Ikigai Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Iolite Intuition Enhancer (by Raine) £7.99
- Larimar Gateway to Atlantis (by Raine) £7.99
- Lucid Dreaming Recall Energy (by Raine) £25
- Magical Hare Intuition Energy (by Raine) £20
- Moonbow Psychic Blessings (by Raine) £35
- Moqui Marbles Shamanic Journey Empowerment (by Raine) £15
- Peruvian Opal Crystalline Infusion For Self-Awareness (by Raine) £15
- Remote Viewing Energy (by Raine) £25
- Selenite Crystalline Communication Bridge (by Raine) £15
- Silver Cord Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- Sixth Sense Energy Enhancer Reiki (by Raine) £25
- NEW Sorcerer’s Stone Cosmic Journey (by Raine) £15
- Soulmate Reconnection Energy (by Raine) £25
- Star-light-Codes Initiations(by Raine) £15
- Stellar Beam Calcite Gateway Crystalline Infusion (by Raine) £15
- Synchronistic Consciousness Flow - Hilarion (by Raine) £25
- NEW Tattva Alignment (by Phil) £25
- Telepathy Reiki (by Raine) £25
- The Three Jewels of the Tree of Oneness (by Phil) £25
- Unicorn Higher Awareness Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Violet Rhodolite Ear Chakra Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £25
- Walk-In Transitional Alignment Attunement (by Raine & Phil) £25
- Well of Dream Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- White Ray of Purity Attunement – Serapis Bey (by Raine) £25
Please Click HERE

Angelite Purification Sigil Connection Attunement (by Raine & Phil) £20- Angels of Kabbalah: Etheric Red String Protection (by Raine) £15
- Attunement Lineage: Cleanse, Filter & Protection (by Raine) £10
- Black Cohosh Protection & Negativity Flush (by Raine) £10
- Business Protection & Prosperity Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- Dysfunctional Family Cleanse & Protection (by Raine) £25
- Energy Signature Protection (by Raine) £15
- Energy Vampire Removal & Protection (by Raine) £10
- Exorcism and Negative Entity Banishment Attunement (by Phil) £25
- Frankincense Aura Cleanse & Protection Energy (by Raine) £7.99
- Jack Frost Protection Attunement (by Phil) £7.99
- Magical Mugwort Psychic Protection (by Raine) £10
- Mirror Shield Protection Attunement (by Phil) £7.99
- Peacock Essence Intuition & Protection (by Raine) £15
- NEW Psychic Fortitude Attunement (by Phil) £25
- Reclaim Your Personal Power Attunement (by Phil) £20
- Security and Comfort Energy Shield (by Raine) £7.99
- Sexual Energy Signature Removal (by Raine) £15
- Silver Cord Crystalline Flush (by Raine) £15
- Spirits of The Home Attunement (by Phil) £15
- Spirits of The Land Attunement (by Phil) £15
- Sweetgrass Protection & Positivity Energy (by Raine) £10
- Travellers Protection (by Raine) £10
- Ultimate Sleep Care Auric Field Protection (by Raine) £10
- White Sage Sacred Space Protection (by Raine) £10
- Winds of Change Energy Clearing (by Phil) £10
- Wolf Shadow Protection (by Phil) £10
Seasonal Home Cleanses
- Winter Home Cleanse (by Phil) £15
- Spring Home Cleanse (by Phil) £15
- Summer Home Cleanse (by Phil) £15
- Autumn Home Cleanse (by Phil) £15
Please Click HERE

- 9 Koi Reiki Blessings (by Raine) £25
- Aqua Light Refresh Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Bamboo Healing Balm Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Blue Pearl Oneness Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Bright Beginnings Reik (by Raine) £15
- NEW Bronzite Resilence Reiki Infusion (by Raine) £20
- Cherry Blossom Oneness Reiki (by Raine) £20
- NEW Chintamani Alchemy Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Community Harmony Crystal Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Cool Blue Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Crystal Waterfall Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Divine Radiance Reiki (by Raine) £10
- Earth Light Reiki (by Raine) £7.99
- Emerald palace Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Flower Goddess Konohanasakuya-hime Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Harmony Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Ikigai Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Jade Dragon Prosperity Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Kuan Yin Pearlescent Reiki (by Raine) £20
- Marimo Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Red Laser Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Rose Gold Unconditional Love Reiki (by Raine) £25
- NEW Shibui Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Sixth Sense Enhancer Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Success Mastery Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Telepathy Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Violet Light Serenity Reiki (by Raine) £15
- Will Power Reiki (by Raine) £25
- Willow Goddess Higo Reiki Blessings (by Raine) £20
Please Click HERE

- 9 Sacred Faery Woods Initiation (by Raine) £25
- Christmas Faery Spirit Energy (by Raine) £15
- Dewdrop Faery Empowerment (by Raine) £15
- Elven Star Connection Empowerment (by Raine) £10
- Enchanted Faery Forest Empowerment (by Raine) £15
- Etheric Faery Spirit Wishing Stone Empowerment (by Raine) £15
- Etheric Faery Stone Empowerment (by Raine) £15
- Faery Crystal Elixir Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Faery Herbal Elixir Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Faery Guide Blessing (by Raine) £25
- Faery Birthday Blessing (by Raine) £25
- Faery Portal Of The Sidhe (by Phil) £25
- Father Christmas Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- Flower Faery Deva Initiation (by Raine) £25
- Jack Frost Protection Attunement (by Phil) £10
- NEW Merfolk Whispers of the Ancient Seas (by Raine) £25
- Morgan Le Fey Charm Casting Empowerment (by Raine) £20
- Morgan Le Fey Wand Healing System (by Raine & Phil) £20
- Sea Goddess
Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation (by Raine & Phil) £20 - Shinrin-yoku Rejuvenation Energy (by Raine & Phil) £15
- Snowflake Inner Reflection Energy with Faery Snow Queen Holda (by Raine) £15
Magical Creatures Attunements (by Raine & Phil)
- Ancient Wisdom Of The Dragons Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Courage & Vision of the Griffin Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Golden Phoenix Journey of Transformation (by Raine) £25
- Nixie Emotional Balance Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Pegasus Sacred Spring of Inspiration Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Selkie Wisdom Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Unicorn Higher Awareness Attunement (by Raine) £25
Faeries of the Seasons Connection Empowerments (by Raine & Phil)
Tuberelle - An Autumn Faery Connection Empowerment £10- The
Firberry 's A Summer Faery Connection Empowerment £10 Maisley A Spring Faery Connection Empowerment £10- Ice Faery
Chantilla Winter Connection Empowerment £10
Faery-Avalon Connection
- Faery Queen Maeve Connection Empowerment £10
- Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Connection Empowerment £10
- Faery Queen Oonagh Connection Empowerment £10
- Faery Queen
Caelia Connection Empowerment £10 - Faery Queen
Argante Connection Empowerment £10 - Faery Snow Queen Holda Connection Empowerment £10
Faery King Oberon Connection Empowerment £10Faery King Gwyn ap Nudd Connection Empowerment £10Faery King Finvarra Connection Empowerment £10Faery King DonnFierna Connection Empowerment £10Faery King Midar Connection Empowerment £10Faery King Sil Connection Empowerment £10
Please Click HERE

- Anam Cara Activation (by Phil) £15
- Ancestor Light Codes Activation(by Phil) £20
- Bee Goddess Hyblaea Ancestral Journey (by Raine) £45
- NEW Birds of Prey Shamanic Healing System (by Raine) £25
- Birth land Reconnection Portal (by Raine) £15
- Blue Bird Happiness Blessing (by Raine) £7.99
- Cauldron Alchemy Energy (by Phil) £25
- Celtic Tree Triad Attunement (by Phil) £25
- Coyote Spirit Empowerment (by Phil) £7.99
- Crazy Horse Medicine Way - North American Shamanism (by Phil) £25
- NEW Embracing the Power of Winter Ice and Snow (by Phil) £7.99
- Evergreen Renewal Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- Dolphin Emotional Release Healing Attunement (by Raine) £25
- Dragonfly Wisdom Empowerment (by Raine) £10
- Eagle Intuitive Guidance Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- Elen Of The Ways
- Firefly Path Illumination (by Raine) £15
Gaia Grounding Energy (by Raine) £15- Hawk’s Eye Psychic Activation (by Raine) £15
- Herne The Hunter
- Hem
Ikh Egyptian Shamanism (by Phil) £25 - Humming Bird Ray of Hope (by Raine) £15
- Kintsugi Golden Light Integration (by Raine) £20
- Lucky Ladybird Empowerment (by Raine) £10
- Magical Hare Intuition Energy (by Raine) £20
- Moqui Marbles Shamanic Journey Empowerment (by Raine) £15
Nwyfre - Celtic Shamanism (by Phil) £25- NEW Pink Dolphin Love & Joy Empowerment £7.99
- Raven
Runelore Shamanic Healing - Nordic Shamanism (by Phil) £25 - Sacred Holloways Shamanic Journey (by Raine) £25
- Sacred Mountain Sacred Earth - South American Shamanism (by Phil) £25
- Sacred Pipe Empowerment (by Phil) £25
- Sacred White Creatures Shamanic Empowerment (by Raine) £30
- Shadow Self Integration Energy (by Raine) £25
- NEWShamanic Ethereal Tools Empowerment (Phil) £15
- Snowberry Deva Ancestral Healing (by Raine) £15
- Spiral of Life Journey Empowerment (by Raine) £15
- Spirits of The Home Attunement (by Phil) £15
- Spirits of The Land Attunement (by Phil) £15
- NEW Strega Italian Witch Initiation (by Phil)£35
- Swan Affirmation Transformation (by Raine) £15
- Sweetgrass Protection & Positivity Energy (by Raine) £10
- Valkyrie Psychopomp Attunement (by Raine & Phil) £35
- Vet Pet Care Angelic Calming Bubble (by Raine) £20
- Vision Quest Empowerment (by Phil) £15
- NEW Völva Viking Witch Initiation Attunement (by Raine) £35
- Wildwood Shamanic Healing (by Phil) £25
- Wolf Spirit Empowerment (by Raine) £7.99
- NEW Whale Song Ascension Activation (by Raine) £25
Please ClickHERE
Free GVHT Attunements

- Flower Light Codes – Coronavirus Care (by Raine)
- New Year - New Start Empowerment (by Raine)
- Pain Relief Reiki (by Raine)
- Sleepeze Reiki (by Raine)
- Unicorn Healing Elixir Empowerment (by Raine)
- NEW Release, Renew, and Rise Empowerment (by Raine)
Please Click HERE
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