Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Raine Hilton Celestial & Starseed-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Celestial & Starseed Energies Series


With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage

When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for a PayPal invoice


Earth Light Reiki £7.99 Special Offer!

Founder: Raine Hilton
Pre-requisite: Reiki 2

Earth Light Reiki is a beautiful gift from Gaia to ignite the Divine Spark within each of us. As we share our light with others we illuminate all of Gaia. As we heal and rebalance ourselves we bring harmony to her also. Earth Light Reiki energy system also calls on all Higher Beings, Star Beings, Angels and Ascended Masters to unite with, and empower your healing journey, with that of Gaia’s. We have each been born with free will and free choice. Your intention as an incarnated human being to seek help, healing and guidance from these eternal sacred beings makes it possible for them to help. In these times of change and upheaval, their support is invaluable.

This simple to use energy system can be used for self healing, healing loved ones, working with clients, sending healing out into nature or to trouble spots around the world. Earth Light Reiki harmonises and eases the transitional process as we move within Gaia’s energy fields through higher vibrational frequencies. This energy evolution affects everyone and everything: human beings, animals, plants, minerals, and elemental beings. I know so many of us find it difficult to facilitate these ongoing energy upgrades, solar and lunar cycles, planetary alignments, and infusions of new light codes. Earth Light Reiki feels cool and refreshing as it flows throughout your body. It brings calm and relaxation and promotes clarity. It harmonises the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of you, creating a sense of wholeness and harmony.


Larimar Gateway to Atlantis £7.99 Special Offer!

Founder: Raine Hilton

Atlantis: the legendary island that sank beneath the waves in the distant past, taking down with it an advanced civilization. Many ask if it is possible that we will ever find it. Perhaps not physically as even after many explorations there is still controversy. Personally, and through information I have received, I believe that it shifted vibrationally into a higher dimension so although it still exists exactly where it was, we can only visit it in our meditations and by connecting to these wise beings through crystals which hold records of their experiences and wisdom.

Edgar Cayce predicted that on one of the Caribbean islands, the remnants of Atlantis, a blue stone of Atlantean origin would be found with extraordinary healing attributes. In 1974, Larimar was found in the Dominican Republic. The appearance of Larimar coincides with the emergence of esoteric knowledge about Atlantis. Many healers recognise and use Larimar to assist and reinforce the healing process, and access the lost knowledge of Atlantis. Larimar is a stone for Earth healing.  It represents peace and clarity, emitting an energy of healing and love.  It has been used to stimulate the heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras, facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation.

It helps one to “see” the self from outside of the realm of personal reality, inspiring and encouraging one toward improvement in the actualisation of one’s realities on the spiritual and physical planes.  It can also be used to bring healing to the environment. Larimar brings the tranquillity of water/sea and air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, with love. Larimar aids communication in relationships, while healing negative karma between soul mates and lovers.

Gaia light matrix healing series

Gaia Light Matrix Healing Levels 1-3 £50

Founder: Raine Hilton

Many Lightworkers are naturally connecting to the Gaia Light Matrix to heal and rebalance the Earth and all of her inhabitants. For some, memories of doing this have been coming through in their dreams. Other Lightworkers have actively been doing this in their meditations. I have also discovered more and more of my students have reported experiencing this through attunement sessions with me. Global warming is on the rise, fires and floods are ravaging the planet, vast quantities of harmful chemicals are being poured into our water and food supply and poisoning the very air we breathe. Countries and religions continue to war with one another for rapidly dwindling resources. All of this and more is destabilising Gaia and affecting the lives and wellbeing of every living being. The Gaia Light Matrix is part of the Universal Matrix Grid which is governed by the Council of Light. The grids are responding to the new vibrational frequencies surrounding the earth. Energy shifts occur regularly and affect all beings to awaken and enlighten.  We all share the responsibility for healing the Earth on the physical plane but we also need to do this at energetic level too.

The Archangels and Ascended Masters as well as representatives from many other Star Systems are coming forward at this time to guide and assist us in this process. You may have already found yourself to be drawn to working with one of these more closely than you have before. Much of this Gaia Light Matrix Healing takes place while your body is sleeping and your soul can roam free to help where it is needed. Many awaken the next day feeling as if they have already done a day’s work! The healing energy generated from this system not only helps to rebalance the Gaia Matrix but it will also cleanse and strengthen the Ley Lines running across the Earth which will empower all Sacred Sites. All through recorded history particular places around the world have had a powerful attraction for billions of people around the world. Known as sacred sites and pilgrimage places, they are the most venerated and iconic locations of human civilisation. Legends and contemporary reports tell of extraordinary experiences people have had while visiting these holy places. Sacred Sites have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind and inspire the heart.   

As Gaia Light matrix workers your energy will illuminate the hearts of spiritual seekers everywhere that will be drawn to help ground and manifest this energy into the sacred sites around the world as they journey on their pilgrimages. This will allow the sacred sites to act as even more powerful beacons of light and wisdom for those who seek to reconnect to higher energies encouraging awakening and enlightenment. The more souls which awaken the greater the healing can take place. We can each illuminate the way for others to join us. The manual contains a unique channelled communication from the Gaia Light Matrix Collective. Learn about Ley Lines, Sacred Sites around the world and how to work with this energy in multiple ways. This system is made up of three attunements each to be taken a week apart to allow your body to fully absorb and integrate the individual energies.

  • The first level attunes you to the Gaia Matrix of Light; this will provide you with a powerful connection to the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Star Beings who will assist you in connecting to the grid.
  • The second level attunes you to the Ley Line Light Matrix. Ley Lines stretch out around the Earth linking up one Sacred Site with another. Use this energy to focus on cleansing and strengthening each one creating a grid of light to illuminate the paths of spiritual seekers.
  • The third level will attune you to Sacred Sites Light Matrix. Sacred Sites around the world so you can access wisdom, guidance, energy light codes. You will be able to channel the Gaia Matrix of Light and the Ley Line Light Matrix into them further empowering them to attract more spiritual seekers.

Gaia Light Matrix Healing Level 4; The Oceans of Gaia £20

Founder: Raine Hilton

Pre-requisites Levels 1-3

The fourth level is a continuing of your journey with the Gaia Matrix of Light Collective, In this level you will be attuned to the Oceans of Gaia. The healing energy generated from the 4th level of this system connects you to the energy flow of the oceans of Gaia. A large percentage of our human body is composed of water, as we heal Gaia’s oceans we also cleanse and heal ourselves.  Just as blood flows through our veins the water of Gaia flow through the land bringing life to each and every living creature.

Water holds the memories of every being that has lived on Earth.  It is used in Homeopathic remedies, Bach Flower remedies, Crystal Elixirs just to name a few modalities to gently bring our consciousness back into alignment with our etheric blueprint for this lifetime. Evidence shows that any substance that contacts water leaves a trace upon it. Human emotions being the strongest influence. Water constitutes, migrates and interpenetrates everything. All is connected by water. We can change our world, via water, by the conscious use of thought and feeling.

Our ancient traditions of using ‘holy’ water spring from this knowledge. The frequency of prayer corrects the water already inside the body. Water is the information carrier that changes the blood, tissues and reflects the very character of human consciousness. Gaia, our planetary body, is a giant container of water. It, too, responds to the quality of our thoughts and feelings. Love increases the frequency that imprints upon water. Learn about:

  • The Oceans of Gaia
  • Meditation exercise 1
  • The memory of water
  • Water healing experiments
  • Meditation exercise 2
  • Working with this energy

Gaia Light Matrix Healing; Level 5: Chakras of Gaia £20

Founder: Raine Hilton
Pre-requisites Levels 1-4

In the same way our physical body has seven swirling vortexes of subtle energy, known as our main chakras, our planet also has seven corresponding chakras. These chakras govern her health and wellbeing, and her energetic, spiritual evolution. Each of our chakras vibrates at their own frequency, and the Earth’s chakras are very similar. The Earth is a living being, often named as Gaia, with her own creative and evolutionary path. If we observe nature, we will see Gaia’s design and architecture at work. Among the planets in our solar system, Earth alone is the source of carbon based life.

The healing energy generated from the 5th level of this system connects your 7 main chakras with those of Gaia. There are seven major sites around the world which are powerful vortexes of energy. They draw in Universal Light Energy and release this energy again to every living aspect of nature at a frequency that is right for them; from each blade of grass, the crystals growing deep in Gaia to every creature which swims, flies, crawls or walks on this sacred planet.

As we align our energetic body with that of Gaia’s we receive her sacred blessing and our ability to live our life more intune with the divine flow of Universal Light is enhanced. We can experience and expansion of awareness in how our health and well being mirrors that of Gaia leading us to live in a more harmonious conscious way, honouring all life as sacred. We worked with Ley Lines previously as Gaia’s Meridians, and the Sacred Sites as places of high power, now we will take a closer look at how some of these Sacred Sites reappear as Gaia’s Chakras. We will draw the Universal Light Energy through us, balancing our chakras, and the align each of our chakras with those of Gaia’s.

As with the previous levels of this system, this level must be taken a minimum of one week after the 4th level, with the previous 4 acting as pre-requisites to this one. Learn about:

  • The Chakras of Gaia
  • 7 Sacred Chakra Sites
  • Other High Energy Points
  • Working with this energy

Limina Lucis doorways of Light Healing Series

Limina Lucis £35

Key 1: Doorway of the Past

Past Life Healing Attunement

Founder: Raine Hilton

Do you find yourself trapped in a negative cycle of behaviour but do not understand why?

Have you been drawn into an unhealthy relationship or friendship with someone you feel unable to escape from?

Are you deeply attracted to someone who you cannot be with in this lifetime?

Do you suffer from a health issue that you struggle to cope with?

Do you suffer from irrational fears or phobias that have no known roots in this lifetime?

Are you struggling to clear through blockages on your spiritual path?

Limina Lucis translates as Doorway of Light. This advanced level energy system offers you the Seeker the opportunity to journey to the Akashic Records where you will be greeted by the Gatekeeper and presented with your sacred key to unlock the door to your past self.

As you explore your way through this doorway you will have the opportunity to heal and clear your karma, release negative imprints, integrate lessons and experiences of the past, as well as reveal the intuitive gifts and special talents held within each aspect of you. This lifetime is a very special one for each of us; we are awakening to who we truly are at soul level, especially those who are Lightworkers and Starseeds. This is a wonderful gift, but it can also be an incredibly challenging and emotional time too. Those who do not understand what is happening react by lashing out in fear or anger or repress their emotions and try to remain in their comfort zone.

With this energy you can heal past hurts and energetic memory imprints held within past aspects of yourself that are manifesting as Doorway Shadows; imbalances, phobias or blockages in your body right now.  These Doorway Shadows hang over us, blocking out the light of inspiration and enlightenment. They hold us prisoner in our limited thinking, fear of the unknown, haunting us through our dreams with hints of memories we cannot quite recall in waking hours. This can cause us to awake in flight or fight mode, or to perhaps spend our lives in a fruitless search trying to recapture something or someone from the past.

There are many Lightworkers among us, myself included, who were persecuted for our spiritual beliefs in past lives, often paying with our lives to help heal and guide others. Those who were Shamans, Wise Women and Men, Healers, Mystics, Visionaries or Witches dedicated their lives to the wellbeing and enlightenment of others and feel drawn to continuing their work in this lifetime.

It is little wonder that in this present lifetime we are still carrying around the energetic wounds, traumas and fears of those times. This can powerfully influence how you walk your spiritual path. Our natural inbuilt defences manifest huge blockages in our chakras and etheric bodies to prevent us from channelling our natural intuitive abilities.

As you journey a little further you are invited to enter theLumen de Templo (Temple of Light) where the healing that you need to integrate and assimilate all that you have discovered from your past awaits you. This takes place in a beautiful crystal temple filled with the highest vibrational frequency of healing light that is calibrated for you personally. You will receive exactly what you need to restore your mental, emotional and physical equilibrium. You will learn about:

  • The process of Limini Lucis
  • Key 1: Doorway of the Past
  • Past Life Imprints
  • Personal Experiences
  • The Whole Self
  • 6 Ways to Improve Self-awareness
  • Journey to the Akashic Records
  • Lumen de Templo (Temple of Light)

Limina Lucis £35

Key 2: Doorway of the Present

Present Lifetime Healing Attunement

Founder: Raine Hilton
*Prerequisite: Limina Lucis Key 1: Doorway of the Past

Are you dissatisfied with how your life is?

Do you feel a yearning to change your life but don’t know how?

Are you struggling to find your Soul Purpose for this lifetime?

Do you wish to form a closer relationship with your Spiritual Guides?

If you are of Starseed origin are your struggling to integrate human emotions?

Limina Lucis translates as Doorway of Light. This advanced level energy system offers you the Seeker the opportunity to journey to the Akashic Records where you will be greeted by the Gatekeeper and presented with your sacred key to journey within and unlock the door to your present self aspect. Through the Doorway of the Present you will be able to seek inspiration for your Soul Path Journey for this incarnation. This will allow you to fulfil the yearnings of your Higher Self in order to express yourself at the highest possible level. You will also have the opportunity to evaluate any of your Karmic Agreements that you still need to work through.

We are all beautiful work in progress, so we have to remember that everyone we are connected to has an impact on our Soul Path. Because of this our priorities are constantly shifting and we need to approach this with the mindset of open awareness. It is important to regularly stop and evaluate how our life is progressing and ask if we feel as if that we are on the right track or if we have drifted too far off course.

We will also be looking at your formative years in this lifetime. You will have the opportunity to work through negative imprints from current and recent past experiences which have formed and are being held within your auric field. This will allow you to clear your mental and emotional states and bring you into a harmonic resonance that is more in line with your Karmic Blueprint for this lifetime.As you journey a little further you are invited to enter theLumen de Templo (Temple of Light) where the healing that you need to integrate and assimilate all that you have discovered awaits you. This takes place in a beautiful crystal temple filled with the highest vibrational frequency of healing light that is calibrated for you personally. You will receive exactly what you need to restore your mental, emotional and physical equilibrium.

With this level you will also have the opportunity to seek guidance for your Soul Path Journey and Karmic Agreements for this incarnation. This will be revealed to you over a period of time and as you are able to facilitate the information. You will learn about:

  • The process of Limini Lucis
  • Key 2: Doorway of the Present
  • Present Life Imprints
  • Breaking the Cycle
  • The Whole Self
  • Discover your Soul Path – Positive Programming
  • Journey to the Akashic Records
  • Lumen de Templo (Temple of Light)


Limina Lucis £35

Key 3: Doorway of the Future

Future Life Healing Attunement

Founder: Raine Hilton

*Prerequisites: Limina Lucis Key 1: Doorway of the Past & Limina Lucis Key 2: Doorway of the Present*

Do you feel as if your life is stuck in a rut and you can’t imagine how it can be any different?

Would you like a glimpse of how your life could be in 5, 10 or 20 years if you continue along your current course of action?

How will the seeds you have already sown in this lifetime and in previous ones manifest in your future life times?

As past, present and future occurs in a single moment in an energetic sense, everything is happening now so we can heal our past to relieve pain and trauma in the present and sow seeds of light for your future self in this lifetime as well as in subsequent lifetimes. Through the Doorway of the Future you will be able to seek guidance for your Soul Path Journey for the rest of this incarnation. This will allow you to make new healthier and wiser choices if you are not happy with how your life has manifested in the future. You can look ahead 5, 10, 20 years or more if you wish. Remember that nothing is set in stone, the future isn’t set in stone, and we always have the ability to shape our destiny with every breath we take, every choice we make and every action we instigate.

Karma exists because there's a reaction to an emotion relating to a specific situation or person. It all comes down to a reaction to an emotion. So if karma is still playing out in your life is because you are still reacting to an emotion created by somebody or something. Karma does not have to continue. If you take yourself to a space in time where you can see that if you don't take the action or resolve certain things, this is how your life is going to play out. This is also how your future lives are going to be. If a situation does not need to continue then that future life can be totally different. Once you start to connect with this energy and work through the process in your healing sessions you'll see exactly how real it is and how incredibly powerful and empowering it is for you.

As you journey a little further you are invited to enter theLumen de Templo (Temple of Light) where the healing that you need to integrate and assimilate all that you have discovered awaits you. This takes place in a beautiful crystal temple filled with the highest vibrational frequency of healing light that is calibrated for you personally. You will receive exactly what you need to restore your mental, emotional and physical equilibrium.  With this level you will have the opportunity to seek guidance regarding how the choices you have already made are manifesting in your future. In addition to this you will also be able to see how these seeds as well as the ones sown in past lives are manifesting in future lifetimes.

This energy system gives you a chance to actually change how things are going to play out because you will have healed things in this lifetime to then move forward in an enlightened and more proactive way into your future lives. You will learn about:

  • The process of Limini Lucis
  • Key 3: Doorway of the Future
  • The Thread of Life & The Strands of Time
  • Future Life Progression
  • Journey to the Akashic Records
  • Lumen de Templo (Temple of Light)

Limina Lucis

Key 4: Doorway of the In-Between

In-Between Lifetime Integration Attunement

Founder: Raine Hilton

*Prerequisites: Limina Lucis Key 1: Doorway of the Past, Limina Lucis Key 2: Doorway of the Present & Limina Lucis Key 3: Doorway of the Future

Have you always wanted to know about your purpose in life or how the choices were made about this life?

Why you chose your family and particular circumstances of this life?

Reconnect with your soul group in this sacred inter-life space.

Explore your In-between life state and learn how to integrate this aspect of you into your current incarnation

Have the ability to review your life so far.

Journey to your celestial home and reconnect with those from your star system

*To be able to work efficiently with this system, it is advised that you have a good understanding of energy flow, healing, divination and visualisation experience, as well as having worked extensively with the Past Life Key 1.

This advanced level energy system offers you the Seeker the opportunity to journey to the Akashic Records where you will be greeted by the Gatekeeper and presented with your Sacred Crystal Key (4). You are invited to use this in conjunction with your Past Life key (1) to unlock the door within your memories to journey to your in-between life state. This aspect of your healing and soul exploration is a continuation of Past Life Healing, but instead of returning to your present time self, this time you will instead continue the journey of your soul from your last previous incarnation, and through the afterlife process. 

In this sacred space you will be joined by your Guides and other members of your Soul Group. If relevant to you, you will also have the opportunity to explore your Star Home; your Celestial Roots. Here you may discover the type of work you do in your in-between life state, this is the same place you return to while you are sleeping in your natural Out Of Body State each night. As you become more familiar with the process, you will find it easier to connect to this state during your meditations and in time may receive information that is of importance to your current lifetime.

We access this in-between place through a past life session, so to do this you will go through the first Doorway of Light using Key 1 to enter the Past Life exploration area. You access the point at which the lifetime comes to an end and you travel out of the body and into the spirit realms where a review of the life you have just lived occurs.  In order to experience your own personal 'interlife' space you will explore the lifetime you lived just prior to this current incarnation, you are then able to go to the place where you made choices regarding the current incarnation. You follow the journey from your last life on Earth, discovering what you have learnt from previous lives and what you may be still working on.

The benefits of experiencing an In-between Lives Journey

  • Understanding your eternal self, your purpose in this life, your destiny as a soul.
  • Gaining clarity and insight as to why your Soul chose the particular challenges that you may be currently experiencing.
  • Seeing your connection with the people who play a significant role in your current life.
  • Understanding why you chose this particular family and this particular body and how they serve you to achieve your current purpose.
  • Reuniting with your soul group, who often reincarnate with you and help you to achieve your goals.
  • Seeing the bigger picture of you as a soul.
  • Creating more love, laughter, health and wealth in your everyday living.
  • The fear of death will diminish or disappear as you watch the continuation of your lives.
  • Learning how to be at peace with being you.


Other celestial & starseed healing systems

Ascension Alignment & Harmonisation £25

Founder: Raine Hilton

We are experiencing an ever increasing amount of energy shifts as the universal vibrational energy interacts with our personal energy fields to bring us all into alignment lifting us up from our third dimensional level of existence here on Earth.   As part of your spiritual awakening you may have experienced quite a few Ascension Symptoms as your body (mental, emotional and physical aspects) release negative energy blockages and cycles of behaviour, out of date karmic patterns and agreements.

Ascension symptoms such as: waking at the same time each night, unusual aches and pains, experiencing shaking or vibratory sensation while meditating or sleeping, feeling ungrounded or not fully in your body, loss of identity, heightened sensitivities to environment or diet, feeling out of place, extreme fatigue, weight issues, emotional or mental issues, wanting to “go home”, depression, anxiety, unusually vivid or violent dreams.

These kinds of imbalances can cause all manner of problems as you adjust to a new state of consciousness, especially for those who are navigating their way through human incarnations from other star systems and realms of existence. This energy system will allow you to more easily calibrate and integrate energy shifts, lunar and solar cycles, eclipses and flares and planetary alignments. This will allow to absorb higher vibrational streams of consciousness and to be able to tune-in and develop your unique spiritual gifts and abilities.

Learn about:

  • Ascension Symptoms
  • The Empathic Response
  • Self–care Guide
  • Working with this energy for yourself and your clients

NEW Birth land Reconnection Portal £15
Founder: Raine Hilton

There are certain places we can connect to that open up energy portals to greater healing and reconnection in our life. One of these is to our Birth Land Place; this is the exact place we came into this world.

When we incarnated into our current physical body, a vast quantity of powerful light flowed through with us acting as our anchor to the physical world. This carries our energy signature to and from our place among the stars.

Working with Goddess Freya, at any time we can reconnect to this renewing energy and gain strength and grounding form it. This energy can help you if you feel you have lost your sense of direction, your flow through life, if you are ungrounded, or need to reconnect to your Divine Celestial Blueprint for this lifetime.

Where we come from among the stars is a place of pure love, of pure light and endless potential, we agree to the roles we wish to play in our present incarnation along with accepting all of the challenges and gifts along the way.

It seems so easy and free flowing from a higher perspective but once we incarnate we become blindsided by our emotional and mental state, by the programming of others, the media, our surroundings etc and it dulls our light. It confuses us, makes us frustrated, angry, upset and our true purpose for being here becomes tamped down by the daily grind of life down here.

From an adult’s perspective it is challenging enough, but from a child’s perspective it is so much more confusing as they are used to living by another set of rules, ones that work for the highest good of everyone, and playing the game down here is often very different as we know.

Crystal wave children struggle with what they know to be right and what others want for them and from them, often these are not the same which causes conflict. So this makes this energy system perfect for children as well as adults to access.

This allows all of our needs to be honoured and our spiritual journey supported when the light from our Birth Land is harmonised and integrated within us, so we can walk with a foot in both realms as we are all guided to do.

Celestial Healing Chamber £25

Founder: Raine Hilton

This energy system takes you on a beautiful guided meditation to a Celestial Healing Chamber on the astral plane. This high vibrational, sacred place will provide you with a safe and welcoming space where you can relax and enjoy your healing session.

For those who struggle with visualisation or mediation, you can just lay back, relax and enjoy the healing energy and know that it is giving you just what you need at this time.

For those who are a little further along in their spiritual journey, you may be blessed with speaking with these Celestial Beings and gaining wisdom and guidance from them.

Once attuned to this energy system you will gain access to a whole host of Celestial Beings who are eager to help you. This will be a different experience for everyone, depending on your Celestial Heritage and also the particular issue that you need help with.

In this sacred space you will be able to receive healing and guidance from Spiritual Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Ancestors and Star-beings from a multitude of worlds.

So as you can see this is a healing system that anyone can use regardless of their spiritual beliefs or the path they are following. You will connect to who is right for you.

These Celestial Beings guide us from the spirit realm and can help us navigate our way through life. They show us how to connect to our Higher Selves and to our spiritual nature as Universal beings of light. They aid us with all personal, global and universal matters.

Celestial Beings help us evolve in all areas of our lives, as each one has their own special purpose and divinely guided mission. They help us to awaken and achieve our Highest Purpose for this incarnation.

Learn about:

  • How we can best work with; Spiritual Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Ancestors and Star-beings
  • A beautifully illustrated guided meditation to use while working with this energy system

Child Lightworker Care £25

Founder: Raine Hilton

Lightworker is a broad term covering those who are Indigo, Crystal or Starseed, Fey or Angelic in origin. These are the ones who have been specially chosen for this Earth mission to awaken humanity and guide this world into a higher state of consciousness. Over the years more of these beings have incarnated and we are seeing a steady shift in consciousness awakening as a result of this.

Childhood for Lightworkers can be incredibly challenging, especially if they are denied the support they need. Often alienated or bullied by other children, misunderstood, misdiagnosed, drugged and patronised by adults. This is a tragic waste of their abilities and many act out in desperation for attentions because they are unable to fit into the mould that is expected of them. Those Lightworkers fortunate to be born to parents who can see this special light within them are supported and encouraged. Their wisdom, memories of in-between and past lives are put into perspective to support their journey.

We will be working with the Ascended Master Collective. They will support your child as they embrace their spiritual abilities and help them to integrate the energy shifts and light codes of information to further develop their healing and intuition. You may find that one Ascended Master in particular will take an interest in your child’s development or several will come and go to accommodate their changing needs. Ascended Masters awaken us to the awareness of the soul’s journey back to the Source. We each walk this sacred path to embody the seven rays of the collective consciousness that emerge from the white light.

Learn About: Indigo Children and their abilities – Crystal children and their abilities – Starseed children and their abilities – The Seven Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays: El Morya, Lord Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady Master Nada and St Germain

Crystal Energies of Atlantis Healing System

Levels 1-3 & Master Level£50

Founder: Raine & Philip Hilton

When discussing the subject of Atlantis, there is a whole plethora of information, myth, fact fiction and theory that it is all too easy to stray from the point. It is our purpose in this introduction, not to argue a point of view, but to instead simply present reality from the heart that is Atlantis, not as she would be looked on in this physical world today, but how she can be reached via spiritual and energetic means at any moment of the day or night, across time and space.

Atlantis was a technological city that had advanced knowledge of how to use crystals for the purposes of healing, crossing over, meditation, awakening, increasing psychic abilities, increasing mental capacity and clarity of thought.  Atlanteans used crystals for the progress of advancing their science and technology; they had many temples which grew different types of crystals that were used for dematerialization, teleportation, and telekinesis, as well as magnetic force fields.  Atlantis had huge libraries that stored records and other knowledge using crystals much like a computer is used today.

You may learn about any previous experiences or connections you have had with Atlantis, especially if you are of Starseed origin like Phil and I. Many Starseeds are naturally drawn to Atlantean energies as these can help us access latent abilities and techniques we learned and used while in Atlantis.

The energetic links being offered through this healing system is not speculative thought, but a direct connection to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Atlantis. Included in the manual is a unique channelled communication from the Atlantean Collective. This system is made up of four attunements each to be taken a week apart to allow your body to fully absorb and integrate the individual energies.

  • Elemental Balancing: The first level balances the elements within your body to provide a strong foundation for the higher energies to come through.
  • Crystals of Atlantis: The second level works with specific crystalline energies which resonate directly with Atlantis and will form your Atlantean crystal foundation. This will help to develop and strengthen your connection to the High Priests and Priestesses of Atlantis, allowing you to be guided and inspired by them.
  • Atlantean Crystal Energy Field: The third level attunes you Atlantean crystalline energies which will be calibrated for you personally to resonate with where you are currently in your spiritual development. After your attunement you will then have access to any crystals you need for healing yourself or others in the future.
  • Atlantean Great Crystal (Master Generator): The fourth/Master level is where you will visit the Great Crystal where you can gain wisdom and knowledge not only relating to Atlantis but also to those from the Star systems where Atlanteans came from. You will also be introduced to your Atlantean Guide who will work with you for these energies.


Galaxite Starseed Light Codes £15
Founder: Raine Hilton

Galaxite Starseed Light Codes help you get in touch with your true Starseed nature. A great many of us incarnated as Lightworkers to raise the consciousness of all beings on this world and to help awaken them to their true Soul Essence.

Once we merge with the human consciousness it is easy to lose sight of who we are and what we came here to do. This energy system reawakens those dormant Starseed energies within you, infusing them with Galaxite crystalline light codes to help you to reconnect to your Higher Self.
Our light codes gently release information to us throughout our lifetime, through our Higher Self aspect, the more we consciously devote time to our spiritual development the easier and clearer this transmission becomes.

These light codes link us to our Star Home where we reside between lifetimes. Galaxite Light Codes connect you to the physical Galaxite crystals which reside deep within the Earth’s crystalline matrix grid.  This energy facilitates greater ease for those who take shamanic journeys, consciously lucid dream, healing, work with divination, and developing the clairsenses, creating unity consciousness and promoting healing, happiness, and abundance.

Galaxite is also known as the Aura Stone due to its ability to heal and prevent energy leakages from the auric field. It will also protect your aura from others who consciously or unconsciously tap into and drain your personal energies.

This is an energy source of transformation, intuition and spiritual growth. It is believed to have been brought to our attention by the Ascended Masters and the Angels to help heal the planet and unite us in Oneness.

Galaxite will enhance and balance your conscious and subconscious mind. It’s particularly helpful in astral projection and astral travel, for contacting to higher realms, your spirit guides, guardian angels, and beneficial beings from other planes and dimensions.



 Goddess Guardians of the Moon £25

Founder: Philip Hilton

The purpose of this energetic empowerment is to align you with those powers associated with each of the seven Goddesses and in so doing, draw into you the energies of The Moon itself. Our bodies are made up of around 60-65 percent water. Is it any wonder then, that The Moon’s influences on the earth’s waters also affect us too? The lunar influences are very strong and they wax and wane, as does The Moon itself. We experience the regular ebb and flow of these cosmic tides and are all too often victims of their whims. This empowerment brings in an ethereal matrix of support, enabling us to exist in harmony with the lunar phases and is so doing, enrich our lives, our emotional systems and our spirituality in the process.

Within the pages of the manual you will discover the following:

  • Who are the Goddesses of The Moon?
  • Which Goddess is aligned to each of the major chakras?
  • Timing of The Moon and The Tides and uses for Sea-Magick
  • Moon cycles and The Celtic Moons.
  • Herbs of The Moon Goddesses.

 Platonic Solids Geometric Starseed Alignment

Founder: Raine Hilton

Starseed Integration & Awakening: There are an ever increasing amount of Starseeds incarnating and Walking-In on this world. Integrating and grounding our different energetic frequencies can be a difficult and confusing time. Many experience intense feelings of homesickness for their Celestial Home and experience difficulty in putting down roots and fully connecting with this world.

Forming relationships with others can be confusing, some preferring to seek solace in their own company instead. The life of a Starseed can be an isolating and lonely one, but thankfully with the birth of the internet more and more Starseeds are reconnecting with one another, sharing information and working together.

Spiritual awakenings are making Soul Missions a priority which can cause ructions in the daily lifestyle. Starseeds are feeling the urge to radically alter their life path so far; relationships can break down or be forced to change direction, careers which were so vitally important become meaningless, the values of life turned on their heads as their true Soul Purpose becomes clear.

This energy creates a wonderful loving, nurturing energetic space to allow the Starseed to take time out from the mundane world and reconnect with their Celestial Home. This allows light codes of information to be received and assimilated with ease, also Spiritual Guidance from others of your Celestial Home, Spiritual Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters.

The Platonic Solids which will be energetically placed in your etheric field will also aid you in recalling past life memories, in between lifetime memories and memories from lifetimes in other star systems and dimensions. Learn about:

  • Platonic Solids for Starseed Integration, Awakening, Walk-Ins and Twinflames
  • Platonic Solids through history
  • How Platonic Solids integrate into our energy field
  • Platonic Solids and Chakra Alignment
  • Unique Channelled Communication form the Pleiadian Collective
  • Working with this energy for self healing and alignment, seeking and journeying.
  • Personal Starseed experiences and insights


Mercury Retrograde Alignment £25

Founder: Raine Hilton

We all know when Mercury is about to turn Retrograde by the amount of posts on social media hyping everyone into a frenzy of dread believing everything in their life is going to go wrong, that they have to stop and hold their breath until it is over. This energy system cannot change the course of the much maligned planet Mercury but it can help you to embrace its gifts and not see them as punishments. In time you will be able to look forward to what this special time can do for you. This energy will help you to be more open and accepting of yourself. It will aid you in listening to what you need to learn, and that only these times of the year can provide you with the opportunity to do so.

Mercury rules the part of us which absorbs information in an instant and transmits that information to others. When in retrograde, the normal flow of energy is reversed; ideas and thoughts seem to get stuck within our mind, instead of easily pouring out to others. If you are trapped in a repetitive, self-limiting or destructive cycles, these will be highlighted at this time. This is a time for recognition of all that is. Not to act on it right now, but to go within, take a breather and to consider your options. Mercury rules: The conscious mind -  How we perceive and relay information - Speaking, listening and negotiating - Buying and selling - Contracts, mail and other documents - Anything that has mechanical moving parts - Distribution networks – Travel.

Even those who do not believe in astrology, will ask what is going on when we are in these periods as Mercury rules electronics, so if anything is going to go haywire or breakdown altogether it generally will as this time more than any other. Of course you cannot stop living your life just because Mercury turns Retrograde, you don’t have to pull the duvet over your head until it passes. You can continue your life as normal; this guide and energy will help you to assimilate the gifts that Mercury brings you.

Learn about: Mercury Associations – Mercury Survival Guide – Working With This Energy – Mercury Sacred Space Ritual – Mercury Retrograde Ritual For Protection & Personal Power


Soul Star Crystalline Infusion £15
Founder: Raine Hilton

The Soul Star Crystalline Infusion energy system will gently cleanse and rebalance your Soul Star chakra. This is the eighth chakra in our energy system, and is also known as the seat of the soul.

The soul star chakra is the first transpersonal chakra. It is the point where Divine light and love flows into the body. The crown chakra and the soul star are connected by a spiritual gateway; this is known as the Stellar Gateway. Through this gateway Divine light and love filter down into the crown chakra for distribution throughout the etheric body.

The soul star chakra symbolises Divine wisdom and spiritual compassion. For those who are already spiritually developed accessing the Akashic records is a smoother process. This information is blocked by an energetic veil to protect those who are not ready to know information relating to past lives and karmic agreements.

It is through your soul star chakra you connect with Spirit and your Higher Self. It is here that you receive Divine wisdom, guidance, and intuition. As this chakra downloads the energy it awakens your spiritual gifts and they will start to develop more rapidly.

The Soul Star chakra is the doorway between your higher self aspect and your lower self aspect. Opening this chakra and stepping through the veil that separates your earthly self from your higher self will expand your spiritual awareness and perceptions.

Celestial Quartz are powerful record keepers. Celestials hold the information relating to the evolvement of our planet and the part we play in it, as we move to the light. Celestial Quartz helps connect us to our guides and angels, helping those in the physical, make contact with the higher realms.

Celestial Quartz is associated with Atlantis and the deep spiritual wisdom of this mysterious, ancient culture. It provides a channel for keepers of these crystals to connect with luminaries of other worlds in order to assist in the healing of our planet and for the enlightenment of the beings which inhabit it.


Soulmate Reconnection Energy £25

Founder: Raine Hilton

Soulmates are members of your Soulmate Group which you incarnate with time and again, through numerous lifetimes, into various types of circumstances and relationships. In order to learn, grow and experience humanity in its many different facets these relationships form the cornerstones of our incarnations.  Although most people think of Soulmates as a perfect harmonious union of bliss, your true spiritual Soulmates are the ones who are energetically intended to help you “complete yourself.” To give you a greater sense of whom you are at Soul level, to help you to remember what you are here to do. Your Soulmate Group is the spiritual equivalent to your birth family here on Earth. Some souls choose to remain in the Astral Realm and act as Guides for those of us who have elected to incarnate into the physical realm. While other Souls from your family may appear in your life as needed, and often taking on the important role of a friend, teacher or relative here on Earth.

Learn about: Soulmate Connection – Soul Group Agreements & Karma – Soulmates or Twinflames? – Soul Partners – Soul Ties – Past Life Soulmates – Karmic Soulmates – Soul Families & Soul Groups – Soul Contracts – Soulmate Teachers – Soul Crossings – How To Recognise A Soulmate  

Soulmate Reconnection Energy will help to bring out the best in any existing Soulmate relationships you have. Soulmate relationships can become intense and emotional at times and this energy will help to smooth the energy flow between you. This happens by creating a harmonic resonance that will aid you in connecting with one another at a higher vibrational level. This energy will allow you to fulfil any existing karmic agreements between you and complete joint Soul Missions more easily.

Soulmate Reconnection Energy will help you to work through and clear any negative karmic energy or unfinished business that is still lingering between you both. This is done in a way that you can benefit, learn and grow from.

Soulmate Reconnection Energy will open up your perceptions to recognising and welcoming new Soulmates into your life. It will help to facilitate clear communication and understanding, recognition of one another.

Soulmate Reconnection Energy will help you to tune into your Whole Soulmate Group (one Earth and in the Astral Realm) so you can receive the guidance, support, strength, and insights you need to complete your life journey.

Star-light-Codes Initiations  £15

Founder: Raine Hilton

Everything we are and everything in the universe and on Earth originated from stardust, and it continually floats through us even today. It directly connects us to the universe, rebuilding our bodies over and again over our lifetimes.

Each time it rains billions of tiny fragments of stardust come down to Earth. Cupping the flow of rain falling is like holding a mini universe in the palm of your hand. Just as we are constantly being bombarded by Stardust as we walk around outside, our energetic body is also absorbing the light codes of information stored in the dust and using this for our spiritual activation.

Star-Light-Codes Initiation allows you to connect to the energetic essence of stardust that is already present in your body, as well as the new light codes as they come through. Those of us who are Starseeds or Walk-Ins often experience feelings of “homesickness” for our celestial home; this energy helps us to integrate our “Star-selves” into our human bodies. It helps us to remember who we are at soul level and what we came here to do.

Spiritual enlightenment can be achieved through development techniques such as meditation, divination, ritual or direct transmissions of the higher frequencies of Light induced through Star-Light-Codes. Spiritual development enhances every aspect of our lives by allowing us to see the world around us in different and enlightening ways. Our spirituality is our foundation for a balanced and abundant life.

NEW The 4 Celestial Animals Empowerment £25
Founder: Philip Hilton

The energy of the 4 celestial animals will both ground and centre you. It will allow you to experience yourself as you truly are in space and time. You will be able to draw on all of the creatures for full stability and a strong foundation, but you will also be able to call on each one individually to work with that singular aspect as well. You will experience the unity of the whole and also each one whenever you need its unique energy.

The Four Symbols are mythological creatures appearing among the Chinese constellations along the ecliptic and are viewed as the guardians of the four cardinal directions. These four creatures are also referred to by a variety of other names, including "Four Guardians", "Four Gods", and "Four Auspicious Beasts". They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise (also called "Black Warrior") of the North.

Each of the creatures is most closely associated with a cardinal direction and a colour, but also additionally represents other aspects, including a season of the year, an emotion, a virtue, and one of the Chinese "five elements" (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). Each has been given its traits, origin story, and a reason for being. Symbolically, and as part of spiritual and religious belief and meaning, these creatures have been culturally important across countries in the Sinosphere.

Twinflame Alignment  & Harmonisation £25

​​​​Founders: Raine & Philip Hilton

We began writing this twinflames manual about eight years ago, but it didn’t feel the right time to release this as an energy system, we still had much more to learn about ourselves, and our connection. It is only now, fifteen years since we were reunited that we felt it was the right time to help others to get the most out of their twinflame connection. Each soul is experienced within human incarnation as half a soul. The old term Split-Apart is quite apt, because in the beginning divinity evolved and split in order to experience creation, these split apart pieces in turn divided until what was to become known as the human soul emerged. These souls in turn split one last time becoming a mirror image counterpart waiting to be reunited. Each in human incarnation is fully functioning and appears whole, as well as being a perfect counterpart to the other, one being the female aspect and the other the male.

When Twinflames are once again drawn together it can be a far from harmonious experience for many couples, for it is no small thing to be faced with another version of yourself. This can be more than just challenging, as it brings a great many things to the surface and strains relationships, often threatening to break apart those newly reunited in expected spiritual harmony. In order for the two to meet, both must have solved their own female and male aspect issues over multiple lifetimes and have evolved sufficiently, in order for them to be ready to move forward on their shared cosmic journey. Either before meeting or soon after, there is often an uprooting of the normal lives of those involved. Some have even termed this a dark night of the soul episode, where nothing seems to make sense and a need for answers comes crashing into the person’s understanding of their own life’s limitations.

Not all Twinflames find each other in the physical, and, so, this should not ever be expected. A percentage of Twinflames will make contact with each other, even though one is not on the physical plane at the time. At times like this the non physical partner will act as guide to the other. The important thing is by using this energetic attunement you will be able to align with your Twinflame’s energies and in doing so, either be open to attracting your opposite Twin into your life, or if you have been reunited, improve your relationship via energetic means. If you have been guided to this energy system then you know the time is right for you to take this step. This energy system comprises of four separate aspects or rays of light contained within one energy stream. Once attuned you may wish to work with one or more of the rays depending on your unique situation and also where you are currently in your Twinflame relationship. This system covers:

  • Twinflame alignment
  • Reconnecting energetically with your twinflame
  • Restoring equilibrium after a twinflame has passed over
  • Harmonising twinflame energy fields

Learn about:

  • Meditation to balance the feminine and masculine polarities within you prior to your attunement
  • False Twinflames
  • How same sex twinflames regularly occur
  • Working with this energy; candle meditation
  • Working with this energy; chakra to chakra energy sharing meditation
  • Our personal twinflame experiences
  • Also contains a unique channelled communication from Archangel Michael

Walk –In Transitional Alignment Attunement

Founders: Raine & Philip Hilton

The walk-in experience affects everyone differently, so it’s difficult to give a definitive description. I’ll begin by discussing the most reported experiences of others in the form of a quiz. Maybe you already know you are a Walk-In or perhaps you have suspected for a while that you are one. The following quiz is one we used many years ago on a Walk-In, Wanderer & Starseed support website we used to run. If you can answer a positive to a reasonable number of the questions below, there is a strong possibility that you are a member of the cosmic sister/brother/hood . Depending on your exact cosmic origins, if any, not all of these questions will apply. However if you can answer a yes to at least half of these it is more than likely. The real answers are to be found within you yourself. Only you can hope to ever know yourself.

1. You were attracted to the thoughts, ideas and concepts of ETs, UFOs, other planets, space travel and utopian societies as a young person.

2. You felt different growing up and could never fully feel a member of your family. You had thoughts that perhaps you had been adopted.

3. You found it difficult making friends and had little in common with your peers at school and as you grew older.

4. You are always concerned with the welfare of others around you. You enjoy helping people and being of service.

5. You are a positive person and always try to see the best in people, despite your life at times being an uphill struggle.

6. You love nature and feel more at home around natural environments and often prefer the company of animals to people.

7. You are one of two extremes, either you are cool and methodical, with little emotional needs and a scientific and calculating approach to life and its challenges. Or you are deeply emotional and artistic, seeing soul nurturing in each newly discovered piece of music or art form.

8. You experience abilities such as ESP and precognition and consider this to be simply a normal way of life.

9. You are attracted to anything which nourishes the body and are drawn to natural/complementary/alternative healing modalities, whether as a seeker or as a practitioner. Crystals also fascinate you.

10. You are fascinated by spiritual and mystical ideas and find yourself drawn to ancient thought and wisdom; this might be East, West or both.

11. Throughout your life there have been times when you feel drawn to look up at the stars and at these times, you experience a deep connection and/or a feeling of being homesick.

12. You often feel that you have something very important to do, but can never quite remember what it is. This feeling may have been with you from an early age.

13. You often feel that you are somehow outside of society looking in, as though you are standing outside a house, looking at other people on the inside going about their lives, through a window.

14. You are deeply empathic; people have a tendency to come to you with their troubles, knowing that with you they can find a sympathetic listener.

15. You might have had imaginary friends growing up or been able to see spiritual beings, which those around you were unable to see.

16. You have a fascination for large bodies of water, such as the sea and lakes. Water draws you as do stories of Atlantis.

17. You have had experiences of time slips. These will have been moments when you have been aware of either losing time or gaining time.

18. You have an awareness at times of other lives being lived by you at the same time as your own life being lived within the present time, known as parallel lives.

19. You have had memories of past lives, these may be fragments, but each attached with an inner knowing of a life once lived.

20. You have recurring dreams which focus on an end of day’s theme. These will often involve being chased and society having broken down. During these dreams you will be part of a group intent on survival.

21. You might have images, flashes or memory fragments of worlds other than this one. You may have thoughts concerning different suns and moons, different coloured skies or landscapes, cityscapes.

22. You may have had a near fatal/fatal accident from which you returned/recovered to the astonishment of those around you. This might have been recovering from a serious life threatening illness. After recovery everything around you, including people appeared to be different somehow.

23. You are drawn to environmental issues and find your ideas, thoughts and opinions to be at odds with those in charge of the world, such as government agencies and big businesses and corporations.

24. You have a poor tolerance to medicines and find yourself prone to food allergies and intolerances.

25. You are a vegetarian or vegan and find it confusing as to why the rest of society appears ignorant of how wrong it is to eat other living beings and treat them with such little respect.

26. Your senses are more attuned than those of others around you. You might at times find certain smells overwhelming, especially those of dead animals and fish. You may also dislike noise and prefer a more peaceful environment.

27. You enjoy spiritually uplifting books and movies; these will often include those intended for children such as those involving magic and other realms or faeries. You like escapism and will often be drawn to Sci fi and themes such as Steampunk. You also have no problem believing in such things as Faeries, Ghosts and Magick.

28. World Sacred sites hold a unique fascination for you and some such as Stonehenge or Glastonbury illicit a deep seated feeling, either positive or negative.

Walking–In is a huge trauma on the body as it copes with the process of dying, soul separation and a new soul integrating. This can manifest in debilitating illnesses or imbalances such as severe allergic reactions to food, sensitivity to chemicals, asthma, anxiety attacks, depression, M.E. epilepsy or seizures as the body tries to reject the new soul much in the way someone who has had a heart or liver transplant can experience tissue rejection. It can take time for the soul to fully integrate into the auric field, and for this blending to take place physically, emotionally and mentally. For some this doesn’t always happen and they live their life constantly out of alignment, plagued with ill health and mental and emotional issues.

Working with attunement energy as well as the channelled exercise will help you to fully integrate into your physical body and to make peace with the residual energy and karmic responsibilities of the previous occupant. This energy works on each of the 7 layers of the aura as well as the 7 main chakras, the Soul Star and Earth Star chakras to firmly anchor you to your physical body. Over time depending on the kind of ailments you are suffering from this energy may heal and improve your overall health. Results will vary from person to person.

Included in this manual:

  • Explanation of what a Walk-In is, Walk In Quiz, and how the exchange happens.
  • How this exchange impacts on all aspects of the body, and how it alters the life and wellbeing of a Walk In Soul.
  • Our Walk-In stories and how we recovered our Celestial memories.
  • Channelled communication from the Pleiades
  • Channelled Walk –In Transitional Alignment Exercise.
  • Detailed explanation of the chakras and layers of the auric body and how this energy will work each aspect of you.
  • Attunement procedure and after care advice.