Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Anam Cara Spirit Course-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Anam Cara Spirit Course


Course Written and designed by Philip Hilton

Anam Cara: the name comes from the old Celt and is still found in use in Ireland today. Roughly translated it means Soul Friend.

The idea being that when two people come together so completely, their auras merge and so in doing there is an openness, a heart closeness that defies normal everyday functionality. The bond formed knows no barriers or boundaries and allows for a person to reach within the other and see that person’s true potential.

Saint Bridget once said that “A person without an Anam Cara is like a body without a head".

This early Celtic practice was merged into the new Christian ways and formed part of The Celt Christian Faith. In an energetic sense there is no distance, no time and nothing that is not part of the wholeness that is God/Goddess. In this way as we work through the course together I am able to forge such an energy bond with you over any distance, as to spirit a thousand miles might as well be an inch.

I am able to offer you the Anam Cara Spirit Course as the result of my many years of service to the world of spirit. I have been a practicing Druid for over nine years and a healer and spiritual development teacher for many years. I bring these skills and techniques up to date with my qualifications and experience as a therapist, counsellor and life coach. I am also a registered member of the UK charity ‘Counselling’.

We all have times during our life when we are unsure as to the next step to take on our spiritual evolution. Or perhaps we have all of the so called good things in life, but somehow feel that we’ve still missed the boat. You may have an existing spiritual practice and feel that somehow it has grown stale. Or you might be looking for something to fill a deep hunger you are feeling, and have no idea how to go about satisfying it. You may have walked away from a religious belief system and miss the spiritual elements, if not the dogma. On the other hand, you might be seeking a form of organised religion and that too is wonderful, powerful and empowering, if you know how to connect with it.

We are all unique; don’t believe that, just take a look at your fingerprint. I can offer you a sacred space over the course of five weeks, energetically filled with compassion and unconditional love. The only two things I will ask of you during our time together will be truth and trust. With this foundation, and through weekly meditations and exercises  we can work together to find your own answers and explore your own truth.

Sometimes we need to be prepared to look beyond the light and the brightness and instead allow ourselves to see the darkness, for this serves us too.

We will work together over the course of a Five-Part Distance Course. You will work through this and send me your completed exercises via email. You will have unlimited email support during the course.

When you purchase the Anam Cara Spirit Course you will receive our channelled attunement to Nwyfre Celtic Shamanic Healing  for FREE worth £25  For more information about this, please click HERE

During the five course modules you will study:


Part One: From the Centre to the Horizon

  • Introduction
  • Our Celtic Ancestors
  • Celtic Christianity
  • Following The Wheel of the Year
  • Working With Sovereignty
  • Exercise One
  • The Horizon
  • Exercise Two

Part Two: The East

  • Overcoming The Scarcity Mindset
  • Moderation in all things
  • Home and Hearth
  • Being Kind to Yourself
  • The Celtic Roundhouse
  • Dawn – Spring – Youth
  • Exercise One
  • Exercise Two
  • Exercise Three

Part Three: The South

  • The Sorrow, The Merriment and The Slumber
  • A Fierce Life of Quiet
  • The Followers of Elen
  • The Fibonacci Ratio – The Golden Mean
  • Recommended Listening Of Inspired Musicians
  • The Trinity of Wild Nature
  • Exercise One
  • Exercise Two
  • Exercise Three

Part Four: The West

  • Know Thyself Through Our Ancestors
  • Standard or Head-Knowledge, Learned Knowledge, Heart Knowledge, Body Knowledge
  • Seer Knowledge or Soul Knowledge
  • The Fates, Graces or Norns
  • Counsel of the Wise
  • The Anam Cara
  • The Way Of Vision
  • Grace & Blessing
  • Integrating The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors
  • Ancestral DNA
  • Exercise One
  • Exercise Two
  • Exercise Three

Part Five: The North

  • The Shadow and Shadow Work
  • Journaling
  • Projections
  • Addictions
  • The Wheel Returns
  • Walking The Path Of The Enlightened Celtic Warrior
  • Reviewing The Wheel Of The Year
  • Exercise One
  • Exercise Two
  • Exercise Three
  • Exercise Four

*Please note this teaching course and its energies are unique to GVHT Good Vibes Holistic Therapies, Raine Hilton & Philip Hilton, and cannot be taught by anyone else, or passed onto others.

Anam Care Spirit Course With Raine  £100
