Family Harmony-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Family Harmony Healing

Our family is the first experience we have of the interplay of energies, emotions, and roles expressed within relationships. We see this in how we interact with our children, grandchildren, parents, step-parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, and grandparents.

Blended Families
Often families merge when people enter into new relationships or remarry and join their children with their partner’s children. This can cause a huge amount of friction as boundaries are challenged and new routines are established.

When life is running smoothly we all interconnect beautifully; loving and supporting one another, assisting in each other’s spiritual growth. But, when you throw human emotions and difficult circumstances into the mix things can quickly become very fraught as you are tied so intrinsically to each other at a deep emotional level.

You may have been drawn to this session because you feel you have become disconnected or estranged as a family, and are tired of the constant tension, disagreements and misunderstandings perhaps you just feel as if you have drifted apart.

When you embody gentleness and compassion within yourself you’ll find that your connection to your family deepens naturally as these energies are rooted in trust and kindness. With gentleness, you choose to respond, instead of jumping into reactions and assumptions, and this opens up a dynamic communication flow that is free from fear.

Working with Archangel Chamuel, Family Harmony Healing will help you to:
• Strengthen the bond between you and your family
• Facilitate rational discussion and the confidence to talk things through
• Inspire love, lasting happiness, and stability
• Inspire belief and optimism
• Promote inner security, encouraging unconditional love and gentleness

Your Healing Session
You will receive 90 minutes of healing with Archangel Chamuel where we will focus on your family issues.
Your Family Harmony Healing Session consists of a cleansing and balancing healing session for yourself and a 3 card reading which will offer insight and guidance on your family issues. I will then conduct a family healing session based on this information.

What I need from you:
  • Your full name and the names of each family member you would like to include in this session.
  • Details on the issue you would like me to work with you on, including all relevant members who are affected directly by this.
  • How your relationship with them has affected your life and wellbeing and any cycles of behaviour you feel you are repeating personally or as a family that you would like to release.

When I have received your email, I will issue you a PayPal request. Once your payment has been received, we will set a date mutually suitable for both of us for your distance healing session.

I will tune in and do your card reading before your healing session is due to start. The healing session will last for 90 minutes; after the session is over, I will email you with your feedback regarding my findings.

All feedback will be sent by email as a Word Document so we both have a permanent record of what has happened to refer back to if needed.

During the session, I will enter into a deep trance meditation and journey into the astral realms so I will not be able to communicate with them vocally. For this reason, I do not use the phone or Skype as it would keep pulling me back into this world and weakening the connection between our higher self aspects.

Please note: Appointments cannot be secured until I have received all relevant information for your session and payment in full
 Individual session  £65