Good Vibes Holistic Therapies -Shamanic Relationship Rejuvenation-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Shamanic Relationship Rejuvenation


Is your relationship struggling?

Are you experiencing difficulty communicating with one another mentally, emotionally or physically

Has the spark gone out of your relationship?

Do you feel as if you have lost your identity within your relationship?

Do you yearn to recapture the passion you shared when you first met?

During this 2-hour healing session for you and your partner, I will work with the energies of the divine masculine and feminine in the forms of Herne the Hunter & Elen of the Ways.

Their energies will balance and strengthen the dual streams of consciousness within you each of you making this session suitable for same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.

Elen of the Waysis one of the dual feminine aspects of nature and when we speak of Mother Nature, it is generally Elen we are speaking of. She is the antlered woman of the wild ways, the very essence of Gaia. In myth and in folklore around the world there are stories and references to her and even the name occurs again and again in its various forms, but always with enough of a trace to the original owner still left intact. Many traces have been taken up, eaten and swallowed as one people have embraced an already existing deity and then regurgitated that self-same deity with a new name and altered aspects. This then shows how important Elen is, for when the newcomers came, they could not eradicate signs of her existence and always chose instead to alter her in a way that made her more comfortable for their own particular set of beliefs. But Elen is always there for those who call her and wish to work with her and walk her Ley Lines. Elen as an antlered woman is often called a deer woman, though there are only one deer species where the female has antlers and that is reindeer. For you see Elen is The Reindeer Goddess of the tracks, these being the migratory ways of old, before the seas cut Europe off from Britain some eight thousand years ago, there was a great forest and this connected one huge landmass. Along this stretched the great tracks and trails, where beasts and men moved with nature, rather than against her. These then were her Ways.

Herne The Hunteris something of an enigma and has much in common with his female counterpart Elen Of The Ways. Like Elen, Herne is an aspect of nature. As she is Mother Earth, so he is the male aspect of the natural world. He has been known by many names, Herne being one which resonates well with both the energy which is his essence, as well as my own perception. Over the years he has at different times been calledCernunnos, Pan, Gwyn App Nudd, Jack In The Green, or The Green Man. He appears like Elen, with Antlers and is seen in human form. Like Elen, he too is also termed a Deer person and often referred to as the antlered, Stag or horned God. He is the masculine and though many assume that because he provides the aggression and male violence, that he is negative. The truth is far from this assumption. Herne is only one side of a duality, which is in reality one half of Oneness. In nature, as in all things within this universe, there has to always be a balance and so too is there such a balance within nature. For Herne is nothing but one side of a coin without his mate. This goes far beyond male and female, as these energies are no less than the understandable face of the building blocks of our world.

Elen without Herne would be like the night without day or the sun without the moon. Each is an important aspect of the whole. The following session will bring in both of these divine energies to rebalance and heal you in mind, body and spirit.

Your Healing Session
For your 2-hour healing session I gather those items which hold energetic importance to Elen & Herne. I add to these any seasonal items as well as any crystals or herbs I feel that you need. I also light candles and incense so that everything resonates with their vibration. I take a Shamanic Journey to meet with both of your Higher Self Aspects, Elen & Herne, my Guides and Animal Totems. I draw and work with the sacred Elen & Herne Glyphs, and healing Mandalas to call them into work with us and to act as guidance and insight into whatever problem or issue you both need help with. The various Totem Animals who appear for you both will also add their wisdom too. Elen and Herne will imbue you with their powerful energies to assist you in getting back in touch with the natural flow of nature and with one another.

I will assess the health of both you and your partner’s chakra systems and auric fields and will channel healing energies best suited to your unique situation and to harmonise your energy fields with one another. I will also look at your birth elemental partnership to determine strengths and weaknesses so we can restore your equilibrium. I then smudge and seal your auric fields and close down.

Chakra To Chakra Energy Sharing Meditation
After your session included with your feedback, I will teach you how to perform my Chakra To Chakra Energy Sharing Meditationto help you bond at soul level as well as physically. This is particularly helpful in cases where one of you may be more spiritually advanced than the other. All feedback will be sent by email as a Word Document so we both have a permanent record of what has happened to refer back to if needed. During your session, I will enter into a deep Shamanic trance meditation and journey into the astral realms so I will not be able to communicate with you vocally. For this reason, I do not use the phone or Skype as it would keep pulling me back into this world and weakening the connection between our higher self aspects.

Before your session I will need the following information:

  • I will need both of your full names and dates of birth
  • Photographs of you both are helpful too but not essential.
  • Any information you feel is relevant as to why you feel the need for this session. Which aspects of your relationship do you need assistance with.
  • How this relationship is affecting you both right now
  • Your relationship goals for the future

Please note: Appointments cannot be secured until I have received all relevant information for your session and payment in full

Shamanic Relationship Rejuvenation Session 
