Good Vibes Holistic Therapies
Psychic & Intuition Development Systems

- One in-depth guide to the system
- One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
- You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
- One emailed certificate
- Your lineage
When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for a PayPal invoice
A good foundation system to begin with is Usui Reiki as it is the 'Mother' of all other Reiki systems and you will quite often find that Usui Reiki Level 2 or Usui Master are prerequisites to other Reiki systems.
For anyone who is serious about their spiritual development I cannot stress enough the importance of protection when working energetically, so please check out the Psychic Protection Attunement Page
- Healing for self and others
- Distance Healing
- Healing for emergencies
- Healing for animals, birds and plants
- Healing for Mother Earth
- Assisting those nearing their transition from the Earthly plane
- Assisting departed Souls during their transition back to Spiritual Beingness
- Purification of food, water, medicines, etc
- Physical and emotional healing of the heart
- Recollection of past lives
- Journeying to YOUR Akashic Records
- Supporting World Leaders
- Helping babies make a smooth transition into the world
- Receiving a spiritual gift on your birthday
- Receiving spiritual information during your dreams
- Supporting world leaders in making important decisions
- Healing the Earth
- Exorcism
- Psychic protection/self-defence
- Dispelling negative energy
- Cleansing/protecting your home
- Physical Healing
- Emotional Healing
- Gaining insight and wisdom through dreams
- Improving mental clarity
- Reconciling the spirit
- Sealing the aura
- Cleansing, empowering and programming crystals
Amara-Omni Initiation £25 Founders: Omar and Nicole Antila. The empowerment takes the form of an 'initiation' and may be seen as a catalyst that activates and accelerates the spiritual development of the recipient. Amara-Omni is an energy-consciousness of individual empowerment and self-discovery. Even though Amara-Omni can bring forth healing on all levels and dimensions, the actual intent is not to heal but to become aware of our subconscious currents. These deep “inner waters” hold the key to the mystery of our being. The energy-consciousness of Amara-Omni assists us to accept our wounds and issues as they are now and helps us to become fully aware of their reasons for manifesting. We all experience pain at some point or another and some experiences leave wounds that stay open even through many lifetimes. By becoming aware of the patterns that keep these wounds open, we finally allow them to heal naturally. Nothing needs to be undone or fixed, as our true nature is whole and perfect. Allowance is the only thing needed to experience healing.
Unlike some systems that focus more in simply balancing the energy flow of our subtle bodies, Amara-Omni also works in the level of pure consciousness. The energies will align the subtle bodies so that the actual consciousness can ground itself into our being. This is not “better” or “worse” than systems that focus more in getting direct results with energy manipulation. This is simply different. Amara-Omni works extremely well for those who resonate more with this particular approach. Amara-Omni has connections to many different realms of consciousness. It can be said that Amara-Omni is actually a unified group consciousness composed of several unique aspects of the divine. The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), the ancient civilization of Lemuria, the Lemurian goddess Amara-Omni, the Rainbow Serpent and Dragons among others are the most prominent connections. Many of these have strong connections to water and it seems to be the main symbol for this whole system.
Aradia Queen of the Witches Empowerment £10 Founder: Maria João Sereno (Brigitt). Aradia (Herodias) is one of the most important characters of Stregheria (Italian Witchcraft), called the Holy Strega, She was born in Volterra, Tuscany, northern Italy. The traditions and folklore of Italian Witchcraft say that Aradia was sent to Earth by her mother Diana, the Great Goddess of the Witches and fairies, so she could teach Witchcraft to humanity and bring a the revival of ancient pagan religion. Aradia is considered a feminine "Avatar", a goddess who came to Earth to bring freedom to the oppressed classes by the clergy and nobility. Her story was told from generation to generation by the Clans and families of Streghe. She is associated with the full moon, with the spirit of a "Lady", plus the ability and readiness, inherited from her mother Diana, and also the wisdom of an "Ancient". Aradia is a symbol for the witches today. Through her teachings we transform ourselves and come together to heaven, earth, moon and universe. The energy of Aradia Queen of the Witches helps with:
Protection of witches, Increase the power of spells; Tuning with the lunar energies; Tuning with the energies of nature; Clarity forecasts (tarot, runes ) Determination; Self-esteem; Wit; Courage Sense of justice; Femininity; Beauty; Courtesy; Attracting success in matters of the heart; Bless and consecrate; Talk to spirits and calling spirits; Know the hidden things; Knowing the Voice of the Wind; Having knowledge of the transformation; Know the Secret Signs; To cure illness; To have influence over the wild beasts.
As you learn to to reach altered states of awareness you will connect with the higher dimensions and move forward on your spiritual and evolutionary path awakening your light body and becoming more radiant with light, enabling you to manifest the most harmonious people, situations and energies that give you opportunities to make a difference to your life. This will create a more receptive channel for personal intention and psychic vision and bringing forth you inner light, mental clarity and an open heart to help you share this with others. Your meditations will be enhanced as you connect with the sacredness of being at one with everything around you. For those involved in healing or teaching spiritual development your awakening light body will greatly help you in resonating with the correct state of consciousness, guiding you in your chosen vocation. This attunement teaches you new methods to connect with your higher self, guides, angels and a multitude of light beings to aid you with the process of self-development and spiritual awakening. You will learn to create profound changes within your life as you raise your vibrational energies. This very 90+ page manual covers a whole range of fascinating subjects including:
- Ascension and dealing with spiritual energy shifts
- Working with Crystals
- How to ground and protect yourself
- The Merkabah Crystal Matrix of Light and a unique Channelled Communication from Jay’s Star Guide Rakesh
- An overview of Reiki and how to incorporate the principles into your life
- How to work with positive affirmations
- Learn about the layers of the aura
- How to scan and cleanse your aura
- Developing auric sight and the interpretation auric colours
- Learn about various kinds of psychic abilities, astral travel and out of body experiences and exercises
- Chakra Mediation, including working with the 8th chakra or Transpersonal Point and the Higher Heart Chakra
- Guided mediation to meet The Ascended Masters and Archangels, as well as your personal Spiritual Guide
The Celestial Light Body Activation manual (90+ Pages) and registration form will be sent to you in PDF format via email. Your distant attunement to the Celestial Light Body Activation will only be sent to you after you have read through the manual provided and have completed the meditations and exercises. This will take between 7 - 10 days or longer to complete if performed properly. Your main attunement will then be sent to you using the chi ball (call in) method. You will also receive an emailed certificate which will register you as a Celestial Light Body Activation Master/Teacher enabling you to pass these teachings to others. Only registered teachers are able to teach the Celestial Light Body Activation to others and once you are attuned your details will be added to this page
Celestial Chakra Activation £25 Founder: Jay Burrell. Divine Celestial Connections with Chakras 8-12 and Sub Chakras 1-5. From the founder – Jay Burrell “The Celestial Chakra Activation is a system that has been given to us by spirit and my star guide Rakesh to help those who have reached a point on their spiritual path where you feel able to work on the development of your higher chakras, you will have reached an understanding of how to tap into energies of varying frequencies, not only to help your own spiritual progression but also to help heal mother earth. Now, the time has come for others to become aware of this system and to reap the rewards of its use in their daily and spiritual lives. The present understanding of the chakra system gives you seven plus one (foot to crown) chakras. The foot or sole chakra is also known as chakra zero or the earth grounding chakra which is located between the balls of your feet. Now we also have chakras that rise up above the crown. For some of you these higher chakras are already opening but for others this will be the first time that they have come across the idea that there are chakras which extend above the crown.
The purpose of these new chakras is to give you the ability to tap into your own inner god-self, the divine will and if you are lucky, the galactic community which surrounds and supports the earth and all humankind on their spiritual evolution. By the time you reach the stage on your spiritual and life’s path in wanting to develop and expand your Celestial Chakras, you will have already gained a very good understanding of energy healing, ascension, psychic development and the chakra system. The Celestial Chakra Activation is also a system that will be unique for each person who chooses to work with the energies. This is why you will not find the colours of these chakras within the information that I have given. My own higher chakras are all white but they also have a rainbow shimmer to them. This is personal for me and is a sign from the Rainbow guides that I have worked with for many years. Your higher chakras will be visible in a colour that is best suited for you”. You will receive 5 Celestial Chakra Activation attunements. Prerequisite: Either Usui Reiki, Seichim, Karuna Master/Teacher or Lightarian Reiki 6 TeacherIncluded in your manual;
- The Chakra System
- The Aura
- Cleansing and Aligning your Chakras and Auric Field with guided exercises
- The Celestial Chakras and the corresponding sub Chakras
- How to work with the Celestial Chakra energies
- How to teach this system to others
Celestial Chakra Activation Level 2 £20 Founder: Jay Burrell. Prerequisite: The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 1. From the Founder Jay Burrell “The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 2 is a continuation of the original Celestial Chakra Activation that was channelled on the 11th November 2011. It is hoped that by the time you reach this point with your spiritual progression and have connected with the energies of your newly awakened chakras (8-12) on a regular basis that you will now be ready to take the next step on your spiritual path through the activation and awakening of chakras 13,14,15. The continued activation of these energies will help you to connect and align yourself with your TRUE divine god self and the galactic consciousness. If you are lucky enough, you will also gain a deep resonate energetic connection with the galactic community who surround mother earth and all of humankind during these heightened times of spiritual evolution, transformation and ascension”.
Celestial Starseed Activation £25 Founder: Jay Burrell. From the Founder, Jay Burrell: “Many will have heard the term of Starseed but not many will know what this title means. The term Starseed literally means that an individual/soul born on earth is a creation who has had many lifetimes on planets within other star systems, galaxies and even other dimensions and universes. Starseeds are also individuals who will quite often get excited about the thought of originating from another world or within another universe. They will also have a strong sense of longing for their home and images of space, other planets and galaxies will often bring these feelings to the surface. Another simple yet highly effective sign that any starseed will have is a sense of aloneness, separateness or even being a foreigner on this planet or in your country of origin. Although the sense of not being settled within the country of your birth usually indicates a previous lifetime in another country it can also indicate that there is a possibility that you have lived on earth but this earth was in another Universe. This is what I call a Multiverse Universe. Through the channelling work that I have had over the years with my star guide Rakesh, I now strongly believe that our universe is just one of many universes and our earth is just one of many Earth's.
The system has been channelled to help all those who feel that they are Starseeds to cope with the changes that are occurring on planet earth as well as helping you to deal with the much denser energetic vibrations of the planet. The Starseed Activation will also help you to create a protective shield around you which will help to prevent all external energies which are not part of your highest good and life’s purpose from being present in your life. Through this attunement you will also discover that your inner abilities will start to manifest themselves. These can range from achieving your first astral travel to learning to work with psychic gifts. You will also learn many new and exciting meditations and spiritual techniques that you can apply to your life in order to regain your starseed connections as well as your ability to communicate with the Masters, Angels and Guides.”
Other common signs are;
- Survival of a life-threatening illness,
- Hypersensitivity to sound, light and smells,
- Overwhelming urgency to fulfil your life’s mission,
- A special sense of oneness with the universe,
- A strong belief in life on other planets,
- Mystical/spiritual experiences as a child or ‘invisible’ friends, contact with faeries or angels
- Out of body experiences,
- Knowledge or flash backs of past life memories,
- Natural healing or psychic abilities.
You will receive a very in depth 50 page manual. It is very important to work through the meditations and exercises in the manual for a minimum of 7 days before requesting your attunement. Included in your manual:
Introduction to the Celestial Starseed Activation - Are you a Starseed - A Starseed Test - The Pleiades - Sirius - Andromeda - Starseed Meditation - The Infinity Symbol - The Microcosmic Orbit - Microcosmic Orbit Meditation - The Etheric Apophylitte Pyramid & Meditation - The Chakras - Chakra Meditation - Psychic Abilities - Astral Travel and Out of Body Experiences (OBE) - Out of Body techniques, meditations and exercises - Celestial Starseed Activation Master/Teacher Attunement
Clairsentient Awakening £35 Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture. Clairsentient Awakening opens you to the ability to feel and know the answers to questions and to perceive information at a distance. Learn how to put your consciousness in various places while you perceive feelings and information from other people, places, animals and times. Clairsentient Awakening is designed to awaken both additional feeling senses and knowing senses. You are encouraged to be instructional to your body, as it is the canvas that reveals the answers to your questions by feel.
Clairsentient Awakening is a multi level system contained within one manual and 3 attunements which works with a number of aspects to enhance and build your spiritual development.
You will study:
Conscious Focus: is an energy function that you can activate when you want to have more mobility of your consciousness.
Clairsentient Feeling: is an energy function that will increase your ability to feel and sense whatever is applicable to the question or purpose in the moment.
Clairsentient Knowing: is another energy function of Clairsentient Awakening energy system, that will increase your ability to consciously know that for answers to the questions you ask Eternal Sacred Source. This is a powerful and wonderful energy function that increases your accuracy and spiritual self confidence with each use!
Selective Awareness: is an energy function that assists you to hone in on the feelings and information that is applicable to the question you are asking or purpose of the session you are conducting."
Level 2 of Cognitive Upgrade™ is your Lightbody Integration™ attunement.
Lightbody is a spiritual and metaphysical term which refers to the energy matrix, aura or grid which connects you more fully to your soul and Divinity. Think of it as a living garment of light that encases your body, your spirit and your consciousness. That means that it is here, and is able to move with you when you dream at night, or are in meditation. Anytime your consciousness travels, it is clothed in your lightbody. This is a very important spiritual construct to maintain and integrate with your physicality. The faster a person's physical body can vibration and still be in physicality, it is said to have a higher "light" quotient. It is easier to perceive spiritual realms when the body you are in is as "light" as possible.
- The Energy Body; Seven Chakras and Triple Soul
- Aligning the Triple Souls
- Rite of Unbinding
- Chakra Balancing Meditation
- White Light Meditation
- Grounding and Centering Meditation
- The Five Elements
- Working with the symbols
- Chakra Work
- Room Cleansing
- Aura Shielding
- Working and Healing with Crystals
‘As the expansion of your awareness begins to unfold and you allow the energies of your galactic-self to be assimilated into your waking consciousness you will be propelled forward into creating a truly heavenly experience, right here, right now, within your present lifetime’. Rakesh - 2nd July 2013During your attunement to the Galactic Self Activation you will receive a very special spiritual blessing that will encode Etheric Crystalline Structures into your energy field which when activated will flood your physical and spiritual body with their vibrational frequencies and etheric attributes. This form of Crystalline Structure Encoding comes to you directly from the Godhead and is being given to help you to gain not only instant access to the crystals energies but also to their attributes and blessings which in turn will greatly aid you with your connections to the Galactic-Self. You will also gain insight into your galactic origins which might also include the awakening to where your true galactic self originated from”. Prerequisite: The Celestial Starseed Activation & Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho/Usui Teate Reiki Master
Galactic Self Activation Level 2 £35 Founder: Jay Burrell. The Galactic Self Activation Level 2 is a continuation of the original Galactic Self Distant Attunement and can only be received by those who have been attuned to level 1 There are many levels of consciousness that reside within each and every one of us, but for a vast majority of people they will only use the most limited or restricted level of consciousness which is that of the lower self or the ego mind. This level of consciousness directly corresponds to the parameters of the 3rd dimensional reality which is the realm of space, time an density. Beyond this is the level of the Soul Self, also known as the Galactic Self. During your connection to the Galactic Self Activation Level 1, you will have received the pure and unconditional awakening of this aspect directly from the Godhead. This blessing was given to help expand natural spiritual abilities of experiencing states of pure oneness where space and time no longer exist in a way that you believe them to be.
The Galactic Portals are etheric Interdimensional vortexes of energy which allow the astral self to travel to their galactic home as well as the many other galactic portals that exist in the multitude of celestial homes that exist within our galaxy and beyond. you see, this is not just a system where one will gain entrance to their own galactic home but you will be given advanced energy training which will enable you to travel outside of our galaxy. Please note that this part of your awakening will not occur over night and will take many months or even years to fully integrate this aspect of your consciousness into your present reality. Within this system, you will be focusing on 5 galactic portals which are most commonly associated with previous incarnations of souls who are now within their human form on planet earth. To gain access to these portals will require you to achieve a deep state of meditation. Intention does work but to truly gain the most from this system you must learn how to achieve a very deep state of meditation. You will be offered a guided meditation within this manual which will help you to achieve this level of awareness. Please Note: There is a 7 day wait between each of the 5 Portal Activation's within the Galactic Self Activation Level 2.
The Galactic Portals
* The Andromeda Portal
* The Arturian Portal
* The Orion Portal
* The Sirian Portal
* The Pleiadian Portal
Higher Self Journey Activation Program £35 Founder: Tracy Loper. The Higher Self Journey Activation Program embodies seven activations to aid you in communicating with your Higher Self. These are: Divine Protection Activation - Clearing Activation - Grounding Activation - Third Eye Activation - Energy Bodies Clearing - Meditation Activation - Spirit Guides and Higher Beings Activation - Dream Activation. The Course includes topics such as Who or What is the Higher Self? Why it is important to connect to the Higher Self? What the benefits of doing so are, the purpose, role, and or function of the Higher Self, recognizing the voice of the Higher Self, Methods for connecting with the Higher Self and more.
*This is a multi-level system, all levels will be chi balled in one session so you activate them as you are ready to work through them.
Divine Protection Activation: This activation creates an etheric shield of Divine and Holy protection which envelopes you, blocking out intrusive vibrations, or malicious, negative, lower vibrations from other sources. This Divine protection activation will shield you from any unwanted interference or distraction of any lower level energy sources during your connection to your Higher Self.
Clearing Activation: The purpose of this activation is to clear any blockages, or barriers that keep you from communicating with your Higher Self, and accessing its wisdom. This could be negative energies, doubts, sceptical dispositions, lack of understanding, inability to accept higher possibilities, distractions, emotions, thoughts, feelings, false beliefs, etc. The activation will restore balance to all areas of the physical, emotional, spiritual, etheric and mental bodies.
As a result of the clearing you will find it more natural to recognise, accept and acknowledge your Higher Self. It will bring a greater scope of understanding and help you to leave the lower mind. Within our etheric body there is etheric energy that can be toxic to us on a physical level. This could affect our physical body in a negative way so it is very important to release the negative energies from the etheric body. The clearing activation will help us to do just that.
Grounding Activation: This activation will keep you in your body, conscious of your surroundings, present, available for whatever happens. It will create an energetic connection as spirit from your body into physical reality and serve to keep the body and energy system safe during meditation and conscious contact with the Higher Self. It will empower your process of Higher Self communication by aligning you as spirit with your physical body so that you are present and can attend to what needs to be done. Additionally, the activation will release any unwanted, excess energy, help you direct your energy, enhance meditations, assist you to be more aware of your path, and enable you to have a greater capacity for experiencing the wonders of the Higher Self.
Meditation Activation: The purpose of this activation is to help you to receive guidance from the Higher Self in meditation. It will enable you to develop a routine of connecting with the Higher Self as well as help to discipline you to consistently seek communication and wisdom from your Higher Self.
Higher Guidance Activation
The purpose of this activation is to help you hear the still, small voice of your Higher Self within you. It will free you from all thoughts and/or energies that keep you from hearing your inner voice, which is the voice of your Higher Self. It will free you from all thoughts and energies that keep you from hearing the guidance of your Higher Self. It will also help you to establish a deeper connection to the Ascended Masters who will help you in connecting to your Higher Self when you call on it for assistance.
Communication Activation: This Activation will enable you to communicate with the Higher Self through any means that you find beneficial to you whether it be through your dream state, automatic writing, meditation, channelling, etc. It will empower you in this area and help you to gain needed insights and information through whatever means of Higher Self communication you choose.
Heart Activation: The heart activation will enable you to release less than loving thoughts about self and others, negative self images, self criticism, or any thoughts that you are a failure. It will remove any lack of belief in self and or your ability to establish a connection to your Higher Self. It will open the heart to the unconditional love of the Higher Self so that you can see the truth of which you are, beyond what you see, hear, believe, so that you can have a personal experience with your true nature. It will enable you to incorporate higher perceptions and beliefs about your true Divine identity.
Higher Self Will Alignment£20 Founder: Mariah Windsong. In her manual to accompany the attunements she writes, “Higher Self Will Alignment assists to bring your higher self’s will into alignment with your conscious choices and priorities here in this reality. You, that is to say, your personality and being-ness here in this body have made choices. You have grown and made decisions in your life. You have priorities which may differ from what your higher self would choose. This system can bring you into accord with your Divine Plan agreed upon before this current incarnation. Your higher self is a compilation of your various aspects of your soul. It is the differentiation of the ‘you’ that you were intended to be when you were born, dropped in or walked into the body you are in now. Your higher self has access to your life/soul contract for this lifetime. When you make changes in the direction you want your life to go while here on Earth in this body, you need to bring the will of your higher self into alignment with the changes you have made. Higher Self Alignment consists of two attunements:
Level 1: Sovereignty As a Free Will Being on earth level
Level 2: Aligning your Will with divinity so you are in accord with Eternal Sacred Source.
Kundalini Reiki is not only a powerful tool for energetic healing: this combination of Kundalini and Reiki energy also works in synergy to promote the spiritual healing and spiritual evolution towards enlightenment. Reiki is used to balance, cleanse and energize the chakra to make way for the all powerful serpent energy. Other uses of Kundalini Reiki can be used for are for healing and rebalancing; Karmic bonds - Situations - Personal qualities - Character traits. The entire technique is divided in three levels: Kundalini 1, 2 and 3. These are taken as 3 distance attunements sent at set times agreed on by both master and student. There is no difference in the quality or effectiveness of hands on or distance attunements. It is pure universal energy we are working with and energy knows no restrictions, barriers or physical boundaries. You will receive one manual which will contain all the course information to study at your leisure. There is no set time between the 3 attunements as I believe that each person reacts differently to how they assimilate the energy and by how they work with the new knowledge. I work with you one to one and we will progress at whatever speed is best for you.
Kundalini Reiki 1
The first step is that of attunement. The attunement opens the healing channels to allow channelling of Reiki energy. This also prepares for Kundalini awakening in the next step. The crown, heart and hand chakras are opened, balanced and hence strengthened. The student in this stage learns methods of healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance.
Kundalini Reiki 2
At this stage, the Reiki channels are strengthened. The Kundalini awakening is called for. Here the main energy channel opens gently alighting the Kundalini fire. This fire reaches the minimum Solar Plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in Kundalini Reiki 3. The person also masters a specific meditation technique in this stage. When this meditation is performed, the power of the flame in the Kundalini fire/energy is increased for a short time. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are aligned and a thorough cleansing takes place.
Kundalini Reiki 3
The previous attunements are strengthened and the Throat, Solar Plexus, Hara and Root Chakras are opened, Kundalini fire is then ready to go all the way. The strengthened Kundalini reaches up and out of the Crown chakra with full rise. Various techniques to boost Kundalini are also mastered. The person with a working knowledge of all the three levels becomes "The Kundalini Reiki Master." You will learn how to attune others, as well as objects such as crystals, so that they may act as Reiki channels.
Kundalini Reiki Booster Attunements
You will also be instructed on using the following extra, included attunements. There are 6 booster attunements: Kundalini Reiki levels 3 – 9 or Kundalini Reiki Booster attunements 1- 6 that you can pass on to others. These attunements are all included and sent as one after your Kundalini Reiki 3 Master attunement:
Balance All Diamond Reiki - Crystalline Reiki - D.N.A. Reiki - Birth Trauma Reiki - Location Reiki - Past Life Reiki
Telepathy Gene Awakening £20 Founder – Mariah Windsong. Telepathic communication is most referred to as thought to thought communication between sentient beings. Telepathy is full thought communication. All the components of the thought are completely present. The Telepathy Gene Awakening™ shall awaken any genes in your body that are responsible for giving your brain the ability to interpret and consciously send telepathic thoughts. This is an awakening energy to use often. The Telepathy Gene Awakening™ increases your ability to control what telepathy transmissions you receive and turn their volume up or down. The Telepathy Gene Awakening™ vastly increases your ability to use gifts that your spirit and soul are already accustomed to using for communication.
Usui Reiki Levels 1, 2 Master Full training and attunement to all three levels of traditional Japanese Usui Riki Ryoho. As with all authentic Usui Reiki masters I can trace my lineage back to Dr Mikao Usui. I offer Reiki levels 1-3 as individual stand-alone training and attunements, as well as a combined package, which as well as offering a discount, gives the student the opportunity to take their study from complete novice to Master/Teacher. In order to take advantage of Reiki levels 2 or 3, you must be able to prove that you have attained the level/levels leading up to the desired level of training. To do this you must be able to email a copy of a valid Usui Reiki certificate, together with your Usui lineage. Please note only Usui Reiki certificates are acceptable; being a Master or other level in an alternative Reiki system is not the same. Unless you are in possession of a Usui Reiki certificate of level, or levels of completion, you will have to begin at Reiki level 1. Distance attunement, training and full email support is included with all levels of Reiki. Each level comes with its own manual and full instruction in its use and applications.
Reiki Level 1: This first level awakens the universal energy which is Reiki and clears blockages within the individual experiencing the attunement. At this level the healer is primarily concerned with self-healing, however the healing channel is open and others can be given aid.
Reiki Level 2: This second level is the level of becoming the healer. The 2nd degree level is concerned with healing others and offers the practical applications of hands-on Reiki, as well as distance healing; you are also given Reiki symbols to work with. It is at this level that you can become a Reiki practitioner yourself and should you so wish will be able to offer your services to others as a qualified healer.
Reiki Level 3/MasterThis third level is the degree of service to others. It is the attainment of thinking and working for the benefit of others. 3rd degree allows the humble person the ability to be both a Master, as well as a Teacher of the Reiki healing system. This level is not for everyone, many people are very happy to remain Reiki level 2 practitioners. At this level you are given the Master symbol, together with the ability and training to attune other to Usui Reiki.
Full training & attunement to all three levels of traditional Japanese Usui Riki Ryoho.
Usui Reiki Level 1 £25 Usui Reiki Level 2 £35 Usui Reiki Level 3 Master/Teacher £45
OR Complete Levels 1-3 package ONLY £99
Yungang Grottoes Empowerments level 1-3 £30 Founder – Mariah Windsong. The Yungang Grottoes are located in the Wuzhou Mountain in Shanxi Province in China. "Yun" means "cloud" and "gang" means "ridge," so it is that Yungang means: "Cloud Ridge." These grottoes were carved out of the sandstone by men who were under the direction of Tan Yao. He was a renowned monk of his day. These grottoes were carved back in the 5th and 6th Century. Tan Yao spent his lifetime on this project and it was under the protection of the Dynasty in rule at that time. The carving took over 64 years to complete the Yungang Grottoes and men continued the work after Tan Yao’s passing.
Yungang Grottoes level 1 brings you the presence of deep meditation, peace and a centeredness that then coils up inside of you, ready and waiting to be give you the energy you need for anything you need.
Yungang Grottoes Empowerment level 2. The dose of energy frequencies that will arrive unto you contain the access rights for you to activate any and all of the functions within level 2 of Yungang Grottoes Empowerment: Yungang Peace, Yungang Reverence for Life, Yungang Meditation, Yungang Buddha of Sakyamuni,
Yungang Grottoes Empowerment Level 3 contains 2 Yungang functions, an empowerment to Tan Yao (the man who carved and directed others to carve these grottoes), and confers upon you the ability to pass this entire energy system of Yungang Grottoes Empowerment onward to others. Functions within level 3 are: Yungang Holy Life Purpose, Yungang Power of Intention, Tan Yao Empowerment.