Good Vibes Holistic Therapies
Unicorn Higher Awareness Healing

They are naturally shy creatures drawn to those with loving hearts and pure intentions. Their gentle spirit makes them ideal for working with children to heal and rebalance their energies or to encourage them to develop their spiritual gifts in a way that is safe and comfortable for them.
Many children have incredible spiritual awareness but find it difficult to share their experiences with adults in case they are disbelieved or ridiculed.
Many children have incredible spiritual awareness but find it difficult to share their experiences with adults in case they are disbelieved or ridiculed.
I have worked with Unicorns energetically for many years; they are gentle, wise, noble creatures. They are well known for their impressive healing power as well as their ability to awaken our natural intuitive gifts so we can expand our awareness and move deeper into the Faery Realm.
For adults, Unicorns reawaken the belief in magic that was lost as they left childhood behind. This magic isn’t only about belief in Faery, but just as importantly, belief in yourself and your own abilities. Too often we allow our dreams to turn to dust, not even attempting to follow our heart or to listen to the yearnings of our soul. We are constantly being programmed by the media, influenced into believing that life cannot get any better for us, being told that things will only grow harder and we should be lucky to have what we have. When enough people believe that, hardship manifests and negativity spreads quickly.
It takes only one person to turn the tide and inspire the next one they meet. We can each make a difference in the lives of others. It only takes one small light to ignite a roomful of candles. The Faery Realm inspires and guides all those who are willing to learn through energy systems such as this one. Working with these sacred beings can help us to unlock our natural intuitive abilities and to feel secure enough to release any blockages preventing us from doing so. Our Higher Self aspect already knows all we are capable of and also everything we agreed to complete for our soul journey for this incarnation. Fear, superstition, our upbringing through our formative years, our culture and community, even our loved ones can hinder our spiritual expression and development.
The aim of this session is to help you in releasing your spiritual inhibitions and negative self-beliefs so that you can fully embrace your natural intuitive gifts and share them confidently with the world. This energy will strengthen your connection to the Faery Realm. Your 1-hour healing session will include:
- A chakra and aura scan which will highlight any areas of imbalance, repression or fear regarding your spiritual path and connection to your higher self-awareness.
- Unicorn Healing Journey
- Unicorn Wisdom
- I finish the session by closing you down, sealing your aura and grounding you.
This includes full email feedback after your session. All feedback will be sent by email as a Word Document so we both have a permanent record of what has happened to refer back to if needed. During your session, I will enter into a deep trance meditation and journey into the astral realms so I will not be able to communicate with you vocally. For this reason, I do not use the phone or Skype as it would keep pulling me back into this world and weakening the connection between our higher self aspects.
Please note: Appointments cannot be secured until I have received all relevant information for your session and payment in full
Individual session £39
Book 4 or more sessions and save 15%