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  ShanUSA GlenUK 
 Kate Linda 

 Other  Testimonials

I  have not been working with Raine for  long (about 1 1/2 - 2 months) but it doesn’t take long to realise that she is a special and remarkable person who cares very much about humanity and her work. I have found Raine’s attunements very beneficial. The Amadeus shamanic healing Attunements, which Raine has channeled and passed on, have no doubt stood to me and strengthened my intuition! After the Attunement I feel more in line with what is right for me in my life. I have found that my focus has improved; I meditate more than I have, and these meditations are deepening all the time. The instructions for the attunement, and the training manual were very simple and easy to follow. Raine is very precise. I like that! But what impressed me the most was Raine's spirit, her  promptness in responding to my questions, and her continued support. Her information is to the point, and she is very quick in sending out manuals and giving good advice when it’s needed.That is truly a blessing! I am grateful that I was led to his site to receive my attunement, and for me to have found a wonderful teacher. She truly has been a blessing to me, and I know that she will be a blessing to others. I am already feeling the very positive effects and energy of this channeling. It is a privilege to learn and be attuned by you Raine - keep up the good work!

Name withheld to protect clients privacy


I am a Reiki Master and must say that the distance attunements I have received from Raine have certainly been the strongest I have had. The support and advice received is excellent and I would certainly have no hesitation in recommending her to anybody. Raine is a true Master in every sense of the word."

V.Chummun  - Maths and Physics teacher (Mauritius)


Hello Raine

Thank you for my attunement yesterday.  I saw lots of shapes and colours all moving around my head, they were not solid but looked like 3D.  I was so chilled out I dozed off afterwards for about half an hour.  Thank you for your lovely e-mail about your experience with the attunement, that sounds wonderful,  I am looking forward to using these new energies during my healing next week.  Thanks once again Raine it has been a joy to be attuned by you, take care

Love and Light A. F. xx


I have known Raine now for about 7 years, and while she is a friend, she is also my old development teacher, and someone who has helped and guided me on my own spiritual journey.

I couldn’t think of anyone I would want more to do my Reiki healing attunements, and had the most amazing experiences throughout each attunement. Raine gives so much in everything she does, and this is reflected in the standard of her work. I have had all three Reiki attunements, as well as a couple of the free attunements on the good vibes web site. I will be coming back for others in the coming year and wouldn’t go to anyone else.

I have also had many readings over the years from Raine, and they have always been insightful, honest, and been exactly what I needed to hear. As well as VERY accurate. I would recommend Raine to anyone without any hesitation

Dani Wood -  (UK)


After a traumatic experience in the summer, I was left feeling shaken, anxious, and I could barely manage to cope with everyday life. 


A week or so later, I logged onto the computer.  On a very low Saturday, I reached out to Raine, and asked if she would do some absent healing for me. To help me understand and cope with my experiences, I also asked for some feedback on her reading of my situation.


After not being able to motivate myself or have enough concentration to approach any type of chore, by the early evening of the Saturday I was not only still on the computer, but I was beginning to research for upcoming article I could write.  I felt emotionally stronger, and not just for the one day but for most of following week.  The resulting changes in my outlook, and ability to cope, were very noticeable.

I also found Raine’s reading of my situation to be amazingly accurate. As a writer part of my role involves researching in order to really understand the areas I write about, and to present a well rounded, informative and hopefully interesting article.  Until recently, I found it difficult to accept something I couldn’t understand.  My experience of absent healing has helped me realise you don’t need to understand something for it to work, and it has strengthened my belief in spiritual healing.

Name withheld to protect clients privacy


"I love getting healings from Raine. I have been getting distance healings from Raine for the past few months now and she is always so helpful. I feel great after the healings and she always offers great insights to help me understand what is going on during the sessions. She is always available and approachable for advice on anything and I must drive her nuts with all the questions I have asked her over the last while but she is so nice and caring and gives great advice.

I have also done a few courses with Raine, and she really is a very good teacher.  Her manuals are excellent and easy to use. Raine really cares about her clients and everyone she comes in contact with and I am very blessed to have come across her.  She is not like some other holistic practitioners I have met, she really takes great time and effort and is like a true friend who is willing to listen and help whenever it's needed.  Thanks Raine xoxo "

Barbara Hoey - (Ireland)


You give such wonderful support and patience to me, even when I ask you questions about attunement or what you offer on your website.  You're a very talented person!!!!


Always & Love, Hannah Jang (CANADA)


The attunements i have done by you are: Above The Radar Reiki, The Allowing Abundance Attunement, Eclipse Energy Empowerment and The Flame Of Universal Love from St. Germain.

I have all these experience as a really fine energy they all give you a feeling of unconditional love, the energy of these attunements are gently and fine. I have really enjoy these attunements because they felt so fine and pure. You feel different senses of the energethic vibration. Its easy to use and its verry clear to understand how it works. It works also good on childeren and animals. They give them a nice sense of warmth and love.

Much Love, Selina van Damme (The Netherlands)


"I am so grateful that I did the Angel Reiki for Children Attunement, yesterday morning. My little one wasn't feeling well so I asked that stream of energy to flow and for any of the Archangels that could, to please help my little guy.  I did work with the specific emotions using Reiki to clear the negative emotions and then infuse the energy from the positive affirmations in to his being. He was a bit restless throughout the night but I could tell that the Angel Reiki had immediately helped clear some things with him.

Thanks so much Raine for all that you do.  I greatly appreciate your work and your kind and generous spirit. You are certainly an inspiration to me"

Brandy Lance  (USA)


Thank for The Orb Of Life attunement.As soon as I activated it I felt cold goosebumps all over me and then a rush of energy. Every time I ask something of it I get the same feeling, its just wonderful and so reassuring I feel like I have connected to something wonderful in the universe. Thanks again love and hugs Anne xx

Anne (UK)


I have the pleasure of knowing Raine Hilton as not just a special Master/Teacher but also now as a firm friend.  She has taught me many wonderful things as I have pursued my own spiritual path as a healing channel with her.

Raines attunements to me have brought us both many pleasures and have pushed my own spiritual and healing gifts to new heights with each one I have taken.  Not only has she attuned me (distantly) several times, she has always been there for me to answer all my questions, however silly.  Raine is a true lightworker for spirit and willingly shares her knowledge with others who choose to learn.  I am indebted to her and thank her for her dedication and patience, it’s an honour to be one of her students and she thoroughly deserves this praise and testimony. 

Namaste - Dean Kingett, Hull, England


Dear Raine, I thought you would like to hear a success story about the attunements you give me, ever since I received the Ama Deus attunement I have used it on a daily basis, every Thursday I give healing in one of our local spiritual centres, and I now use the Ama Deus healing system usually one to one, but I can’t keep up with demand, so last Thursday I did a group of 6 it was very powerful and all but one had lots to say, wanting more, some even wish to learn it, so I am first going to give the attunement to a friend, she will give me true feedback, I am also giving your web site to people so that they can come to you if they wish, I know I would I have a lot more learning to do yet but a  BIG THANKYOU lots of love and kisses, Love and light, B

Name withheld for privacy reasons


Hello Raine,

I know its took time to do this attunement, but for some reason it’s one I really didn’t want to rush because I know this one will be an important energy to use, and Queen Coventina I only called in when I felt totally ready, even I can’t understand how I’ve taken this long? I suppose some things aren’t meant to be rushed; with this I did enjoy absorbing the energies over a slower time scale. While I was calling in the chi ball of Queen Coventina I was privileged to speak to her, it was about being aware of/within nature and what a lovely energy and how safe I felt, It’s a lovely energy and my hands was really taking in the energies with each chi ball, I’m also seeing more dragonflies around now and at one time I disliked them, now I’m more aware they’re all within nature serving a purpose, I suppose it’s making me more aware in a humbling kind of way, there by the grace of God go I. Thank you for this attunement its opened me up in many different ways :) xxx

Margaret – UK

The Fairy Lightworker Program


I wanted to let you know that I really appreciated the Rainbow Reiki chakra attunement --- it had some nice additions to chakra clearing methods I've used and has a very balanced energy.  But I just love, love, love the Flame of Universal Love; it's so easy and it really helps me stay focused on what's important no matter what else I'm doing. And your chi balls have a lovely feeling to them!

Thanks so much for helping all of us get more Reiki into the world!

Many blessings--
Suzy Shedd

Hi Raine I just wanted to say thank you so much for the Mahatma Ascension & Enlightenment attunement!! Oh my how beautiful is that hun : ) it’s been a few days & I’m already connecting more strongly with the Angels bless your heart

Lots of love and gratitude Lorraine xoxoox

Lorraine Morrow - UK


Several times a year I offer free healing sessions using different techniques and streams of energy, these can be found advertised on Facebook, the following feedback is taken from the group Birth Time Healing Sessions

I was woken up very abruptly on the time of my birth the first day, after having only a few hours of sleep. So I got up and did my exercise. I had wild dreams all week and was very sensitive and emotional. I had several occasions where I was watching myself sleep, floating above myself watching myself. The dreams were very vivid. I dreamt I was in huge houses and there was one I had to write down where 2 otters came from the basement to talk to me. All week I dreamt about working and talking to celebrities like I knew them very well. I kept seeing native films this past week. And a native friend online suggested a movies I never even heard of or seen any trailers to suddenly show up on TV. I had several occurrences like this happen and I knew they were signs. So a very successful week! Thank you Raine so very very much for this amazing experience. I so look forward to the next one!

I only would hope something I said may spark others to take part of the wonderful attunements and healing and growth that comes from all the wonderful services you provide. Bless you for all that you share with me and others, I am so excited about the next one. ;) Namaste.

Robin Ritter – Beverley Hills USA


Hi Raine,

Last week was an interesting journey :) I am very grateful to have taken part in the healing session.

On Monday I felt the energy anchor itself onto me, it was a very strong feeling and I wanted to show the whole world my love!!! Even though I drank a whole bottle of water, 1.5 litres, I did still have a headache towards the end of the night and also when I woke up the next day..so I took a paracetomals as I had to go to work! The headache did not return for the rest of the week but I still felt the energy quite strongly throughout the days.

On Wednesday I could not sit still...I danced around the room with my eyes closed!!!
Thursday & Friday was a bit calmer - lol, my mother called me during the Friday session so unfortunately I could not concentrate as much.

With both Saturday & Sunday sessions I feel asleep during the end of the meditation; being pregnant I have been quite tired at the weekend so this had something probably to do with it. But when I woke up after an hour I felt nice and 'warm'.

Many Thanks again,


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