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Although crystals are beautiful to look at and to hold they also affect us all in a very profound way. Each crystal holds and transmits its own unique vibration which can   alter the way we feel and act when we hold or wear them. For most people this is an instinctive thing. Have you ever bought an item of jewellery only to find that it makes you feel uncomfortable, irritable, hyper or unable to concentrate? Well this could be because you have selected the wrong kind of crystal for you.

At the other end of the scale we all have jewellery which because of the way it interacts with our own vibrations we never take off as it makes us feel comfortable or empowered when we wear it.

There are so many different kinds of crystals that it would be impossible to name them all here, but I will list the most common and easily attainable ones.

Amazonite ...  has a powerful filtering action, as it blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations and protects against electromagnetic pollution. This is an extremely soothing stone which calms the brain and nervous system. It balances the masculine and feminine aspects of the personality. It soothes emotional trauma, alleviate worry and fear and dispels negativity.

It heals and opens the heart, throat and third eye charka. It is also beneficial for osteoporosis, tooth decay, and calcium deficiency.

Amber ... a good grounding stone and a powerful healer and cleanser that draws out dis-ease. Relieves stress, throat problems, stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder, joint conditions. Also excellent for wound and mucus membrane healing as it is a natural antibiotic. It absorbs negative energies and transmutes them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. A powerful protector and a bringer of wisdom too.

Amethyst ... an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration which aides spiritual awareness and development meditation and scrying. A natural tranquilliser which eases headaches also blocks negative environment energies. Good to place near PC's and TV’s. Traditionally used to prevent drunkenness a it has a sobering effect on overindulgence and physical passions, supporting sobriety and helping overcome addictions. Also an emotional and mental balancer, improves motivation and goal setting. Boosts production of hormones and tunes endocrine, immune   system and metabolism. Good for insomnia and nightmares too.

Aventurine... also excellent to protect against environmental pollution, if taped to mobile/cell phones it acts as a protection against its emanations.   Defuses negative situations and turns them around. Reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion, empathy and perseverance. It takes you back into your past to find the source of dis-ease. Relieves stammers and severe neuroses. A powerful anti-inflammatory, helps to ease skin eruptions if taken as an elixir. Heals adrenals, lungs, sinuses, heart and muscular and urogenital systems. Settles nausea and promotes restful sleep.

Black Obsidian – this is an extremely powerful and creative crystal. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, bringing them under the direction of the conscious will. This enables manifestation of spiritual energies on earth. It encourages self control, brings imbalances and shadow qualities to the surface for release and transformation. It is highly protective and repels all forms of negativity. It detoxifies, dissolving blockages and tension in the physical and subtle bodies, healing hardened arteries, reducing the pain of arthritis, joint problems, cramps and shrinks enlarged prostrates.  

Blue Lace is a wonderful healing stone. Its soft, cooling and calming energy brings peace of mind. Activates and heals the throat chakra allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings. It neutralises anger, infection, inflammation and fever. Counteracts repression and suppression of feelings that stem from fear of being judges and rejected from childhood and beyond.

It is a powerful throat healer. Eases shoulder and neck problems, thyroid deficiencies and throat and lymph infections. It lowers fevers and removes blockages of the nervous system and treats arthritic and bone deformity, strengthening the skeletal system and healing fractures. As an elixir treats brain fluid imbalances and hydrocephalus. Good to enhance sound healing it focuses and directs sound to the appropriate place.

Blue Topaz  this crystal is a mellow, empathetic stone that directs energy to where it is needed most. It sooths, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates and aligns the meridians of the body. It promotes truth and forgiveness. It helps shed light on the path, highlights goals and taps into inner resources. Topaz’s vibrant energy brings joy, generosity, abundance, and good health, traditionally known as a stone of love, good fortune and bringing successful attainment of goals, affirmations and manifestations of visualisations.

It aids digestion, and combats anorexia, restores sense of taste, fortifies the nerves and stimulates the metabolism.

Citrine ... carrying the power of the sun, it warms and energizes. Wearing a Citrine point down brings the golden ray of spirit into the physical realm. One crystal which never needs cleansing, an aura protector and chakra cleanser. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds negative energy. Cleanses and balances the subtle bodies bringing them into alignment with physical. Helps to manifest wealth, success and prosperity. Place in the wealth corner, which is farthest back left   point from your front door of your home or business or cashbox.   It helps you less sensitive, especially to criticism and encourages acting on constructive criticism. As an elixir it is helpful for menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, balancing the hormones and alleviating fatigue.

Clear Quartz...the most powerful healer and energy amplifier on the planet it absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it.   It works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. It takes the energy back to the most perfect state possible, going back to before the dis-ease set in it. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.   As it contains every colour possible it can also be used in place of any other, a must have for your collection.

Coral has been called the 'garden of the sea' Records dating back thousands of years confirm that coral was used in decorative art objects. It was believed to prevent ill fortune and offer protection from skin disease when worn as a necklace. Dreams about coral are believed to foretell recovery from a long illness. Ancients believed that Mars was composed of red coral.

Coral is a good aid for meditation or visualization. Coral symbolizes life and blood force energy. Dark red coral is used for heating and stimulating the bloodstream. Pink shades restore harmony to the heart. It is used as an aid to depression, lethargy or deficient nutrition

Garnet is a powerful energizing and regenerating stone. It cleanses and balances the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. It inspires love and devotion. It stimulates the controlled rise of Kundalini energy, past life recall and aids sexual potency. Activates the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into seemingly hopeless situations.

It stimulates the metabolism, treats spinal and cellular disorders, purifies and reenergizes the blood, heart and lungs, regenerates DNA.

Fluorite ...This crystal is highly protective, especially on a psychic level. It helps you to discern when outside influences are at work within yourself and shuts off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence. It cleanses and stabilises the aura. It is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress, including blocking geopathic stress. Used in healing it draws off negative energies and stress of all kinds. It cleanses, purifies, dispels and reorganises anything within the body that is not in perfect order. It can quicken spiritual awakening; and focuses the mind and links it to the universal mind. It increases self confidence, and dexterity, improves physical and mental coordination and counteracts mental disorders. Dissolving fixed ideas, it helps to move beyond narrow - mindedness to the bigger picture. This stone dissolves illusions and reveals truth.

It is a powerful healing tool, dealing with infections and disorders. It benefits teeth, cells, and bone and repairs DNA damage. It is powerful against viruses, regenerates the skin and mucus membranes, particularly in the respiratory tract and heals ulcers and wounds. It is beneficial for colds, flu and sinusitis. Dissolving adhesions and mobilizing joints. Provides pain relief ameliorates the discomfort of Shingles and other nerve related pain. Also rekindles sexual libido ;-)

Hematite... excellent for grounding and for protecting the body during out of body journeying. It dissolves negativity and prevents negative energy from entering the aura. Said to be useful in legal situations and for studying mathematics and technical subjects. It supports timid women, boosts self-esteem and survivability, enhances willpower and imparts confidence. Useful stone for overcoming compulsions and addictions. Health wise good for circulatory problems such as Reynaud's Disease and blood conditions such as anaemia. It treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia, use as an elixir for fevers.

Howlite is a beautifully calming stone, an excellent choice to combat insomnia. It links to the spiritual realms and dimensions, preparing and opening for attunements and also to prepare the mind to receive wisdom and insights. It assists in accessing past life memories, in particular inbetween lifetimes and information from other dimensions. Psychologically it teaches patience, helps to eliminate rage and anger. It calms turbulent emotions rooted in past lives. Physically it balances calcium levels in the body, aiding teeth, bones and soft tissue

Jadeite Stone of "Magic" brings protection from the spiritual realm. Encourages group cohesiveness, understanding & actualisation of purpose. Assists in grounding & accessing limitless resources of the universe. For almost a thousand years, jadeite has been worshiped and ingested for its life-extending powers, believed to bring the holder a long and fruitful life . Beneficial for Heart. Hips. Kidneys. Spleen. Healthy hair, thymus, immune, cleansing blood, nervous system.

Lapis Lazuli... opens the third eye and balances the throat chakra. It stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual journeying and stimulating personal and spiritual power. It quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It possesses enormous serenity and is the key to spiritual attainment and contacting spirit guardians. This stone recognizes psychic attack, blocks it and returns the negative energy to its source. It teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses or dis-ease caused by not speaking out in the past. Excellent for migraines, depression, overcomes hearing loss, purifies blood and boosts the immune system. Benefits the respiratory and nervous systems and the throat, larynx, and thyroid, cleanses organs, bone marrow, thymus, and the immune system.

Malachite ... a very powerful stone which should be handled with caution and only used in its polished form as it is toxic in its raw state. It amplifies both positive and negative energies. It grounds spiritual energies onto the planet. It is believed by some that Malachite is still evolving and will be one of the most important healing stones of the new millennium. It soaks up plutonium pollution and guards against radiation of all kinds. Handy for anyone living or working near a nuclear or natural radiation source. It also clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies.   It activates visualization, scrying   and psychic vision if placed on the third eye area. On the heart it brings balance, harmony and unconditional love. It releases inhibitions and encourages expressing feelings. It helps with mental disturbances, including psychiatric illness and combats dyslexia. Useful for psycho-sexual problems facilitating deep emotional healing.

Also useful for cramps, menstrual cramps and facilitates child birth. Treats asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, growths, travel sickness, vertigo, tumours, the optic nerve. It aligns DNA and cellular structure, and enhances the immune system. It treats diabetes when worn around the waist.

Moonstone ... this is a stone of new beginnings. It is strongly connected to the moon, and reminds us that, as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions. It enhances psychic abilities and promotes intuition and empathy. Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive feminine energy. It balances the male - female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. It opens the mind to sudden impulses, serendipity, and synchronicity. Placed on the solar plexus it draws out old emotional patterning so that it can be understood and then dissolved.


Just like all the other gemstones, pearls carry a meaning. Historically, the glowing white orbs have been associated with the moon. With the high lustre and deep colour of pearls, it is no wonder why these natural gemstones have been held in such high regard for thousands of years.

Eastern cultures believe that pearls symbolize purity and spiritual transformation. Simply wearing a pearl reminds the wearer to be honest, pure, wise, and to walk with the utmost dignity. Different colours of pearls bear different meanings. As expected, white pearls symbolize purity, innocence, faith, and honesty. Gold or black pearls symbolize prosperity and riches. Rose or pink pearls work well with the heart Chakra, while all pearls work with the solar plexus Chakra, beneficial for digestion and immunity.

Physically it powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle and alleviates menstrual related disease and tension. It is linked the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system, stabilizes fluid imbalances. It is helpful to treat causes of shock and to calm hyperactive children. A beautiful crystal to wear for conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Good for insomnia and sleepwalking. ancient times this crystal was believed to keep away evil spirits. Releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels, it purifies the subtle and physical bodies, and the mind. It opens, cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras and releases old baggage, burdens, guilt, people or obsessions from the past. It has a toning effect and regenerates tissues. It strengthens the eyes, heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract metabolism, heals ulcers and benefits the skin. Its energy balances bipolar disorders and overcomes hypochondria.

Red Jasper this crystal is gently stimulating; it grounds energy and rectifies unjust situations. It brings problems to light before they become too big and provides insights into the most difficult situations. It facilitates shamanic journeying and dream recall. It balances the Yin/Yang aspects, aligning the physical, emotions and mental light bodies within the etheric realm. It calms emotions, cleansing and stabilising the auric field. It detoxifies the circulatory system, blood and liver.

Rose Quartz .. a very popular crystal and one always associated with unconditional love and infinite peace and healing. Ideal for children and adults alike. Aligned with the heart chakra, it purifies and opens the heart at all levels, to bring deep inner healing and self love. It is calming and reassuring and excellent to hold or wear during a crisis.   Place by your bed or in the relationship corner of your home to attract love into your life.   It strengthens the physical heart and circularity system and releases impurities from body fluids.   It also aids chest and lung problems, heals kidneys and adrenals and alleviates vertigo. The stone or elixir soothes burns and blistering and smoothes the complexion. Said to increase fertility, helpful in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and senile dementia too.

Smokey Quartz ... One of the most anchoring and grounding stones best used on the base chakra. Excellent stress buster, detoxifier and also lifts depressive and suicidal moods. Excellent for treating radiation related illness or chemotherapy. Also for headaches, reproductive system, muscle and nerve tissue, and the heart. It dissolves cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves. It promotes positive, pragmatic thought and can be used in scrying to give clear insight and to neutralize fear of failure. It dissolves contradictions, promotes concentration, and alleviates communication difficulties. It facilitates moving between alpha and beta states of mind and aids clearing the mind for meditation.

Sodalite ... unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception, bringing information from the higher mind down to the physical level. It stimulates the pineal gland and third eye area and deepens meditation. It instils a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs. It clears electromagnetic pollution and can be placed on computers to block their emanations. It balances the metabolism, overcomes calcium deficiencies and cleanses the lymphatic system and organs. Combats radiation damage and insomnia. ~It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure brings about emotional balance and calms panic attacks.

Tigers Eye ... combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is nevertheless grounded, drawing the spiritual energies to earth. Placed on the third eye chakra it enhances psychic abilities and balances the lower chakras stimulating the rise of the Kundalini energy. A very protective stone which heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity. It supports an addictive personality in making changes. It treats the eyes and aids night visions, heals the throat and reproductive organs, and dissolves constrictions. It is helpful for repairing broken bones.

Turquoise ... is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. It is a protective stone and has been used for amulets since time immemorial. It promotes spiritual attunement and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual worlds. It dispels negative energy and balances and aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies and attunes the physical level to the spiritual. An excellent stone for exhaustion, depression or panic attacks. Alleviates pollution and viral infections, and heals the whole body especially the eyes, including cataracts.

By wearing your personal   birth stone you are   combining your energies with that from the month   you were born, this is believed to be an empowering act. To get the most out of   every year you could also wear the correct crystal for each month to enhance your personal power.

Below is a useful guide to help you select the correct one;


  Garnet  Garnet  Garnet  Garnet  Ruby
  FEBRUARY  Amethyst  Amethyst  Amethyst  Amethyst  Topaz
  MARCH  Aquamarine/Bloodstone  Bloodstone  Bloodstone  Bloodstone  Opal
  APRIL  Diamond  Sapphire  Sapphire  Sapphire  Diamond
  MAY  Emerald  Agate  Agate  Emerald  Emerald
  JUNE  Pearl/Moonstone  Emerald  Emerald  Agate  Pearl
  JULY  Ruby  Onyx  Onyx  Carnelian  Sapphire
  AUGUST  Peridot  Carnelian  Carnelian  Sardonyx  Ruby
 SEPTEMBER  Sapphire  Peridot  Peridot  Peridot  Zircon
  OCTOBER  Opal/Tourmaline Aquamarine Aquamarine Aquamarine  Coral
  NOVEMBER  Yellow Topaz/Citrine  Yellow Topaz  Yellow Topaz  Yellow Topaz  Yellow Topaz
  DECEMBER  Turquoise/Blue Topaz  Ruby  Ruby  Ruby  Topaz

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